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" Are all of the invitations done? ," Star asked.

They are now at the building where Star and her team are. They are printing the invitations and choosing their souvenirs for the guest's.

" Yes, miss, this will be delivered once we get their addresses ," Sunny replied.

" Good, Sunny ," Star said, clicking on her keyboard.

" This is really happening, huh ?" Jisoo said, looking at all the things they were preparing.

" Yeah, tomorrow we will have our prenuptial photoshoot ," Eunwoo replied.

" I can't believe this ," Jisoo said, still processing what's happening.

" Me neither, but believe me, it will on monday sharp at 9:00 am ," Eunwoo read the contents of their invitation.

All the staff that's with them is happy and busy talking to each other about how the two choose the theme of their wedding. It was royal blue themed as to both of their approval. Star said that it was a great choice it will blend beautifully with the reception design and their cute souvenir which is for the women guest's it was a perfume with bouquet of flowers that was colour blue also and for the man's it was a perfume too with a tie that was dotted with blue too.

" You two must have allot lots of money for this ," Moon said, seeing the souvenirs that they asked them to pack.

" Oh, haha, not that allot just a bit ," Jisoo replied.

" Perks of being celebrities ," Cloud said, joining the conversation.

" Didn't I tell you to keep a distance with Mrs Lee? ," Sunny asks irritated.

" Chill, Sunset, I'm just talking with her. I'm not flirting . . . yet ," Cloud replied.

Sunny whacks him.

" Aw! You are hurting me! Miss Star, she's whacking me like my mother! ," Cloud said to Star, who's busy checking Jisoo's wedding dress.

" I'm quite not surprised ," Star replied.

" Don't mind them they are like cat and dog always fighting with each other ," Moon said she's the one assisting Jisoo and Eunwoo while the others prepared and packed their souvenirs

" Where is Eunwoo? ," Cloud asked, changing the subject immediately.

" He left to get something in Fantagio he said he forgot to get the thing before he moved in with me ," Jisoo replied.

" Oh. Since he's gone, can we talk? ," Cloud asked.

" You are talking with her, Cloud ," Sunny replied, rolling her eyes.

" Jisoo, what about the cakes? Or are you other food at the venue? ," Moon asked, totally getting Cloud out of their conversation.

" Cloud, may I tell you something? ," Star interjected.

Cloud stood up and replied, " Yes, miss, what is it? "

Star removed her glasses, and then she  stood up straight and put her hands beside her just like when she's telling them to do something , " Stop flirting with Jisoo. She's getting married, oh my bad already married. We don't want Eunwoo to be angry with us because of what you were doing. And please don't show that with Mr Lee or we will be doomed. I don't want to, we don't want to lecture you because you are not a kid anymore, but you keep on repeating your flirting thing with Jisoo. Please grow up, Cloud, if you want to stay in my company, you better be "

Catch Me, I'm Falling जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें