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" Hey, don't just drag her away like that, bro ," Jinyoung calmly said.

" Don't call me like that. We are not close ," Eunwoo replied.

" Eunwoo, what are you doing? ," Jisoo asked him.

" I think I am the one who needs to ask you that, Jisoo ," Eunwoo replied to her.

Jisoo stared at him. His aura is not good, and he is staring intently at Jinyoung.

Sanha was standing behind, not knowing what to do.

" Sanha ," Alie called him.

He abruptly looked behind him.

" Alie! ," Sanha said, looking at her.

Alie walks and approaches the scene.

" ahm, it's entirely not intentional ," Sanha said to her.

Alie nodded her head, understanding.

" Eunwoo, the crew was looking for you. The shoot will resume shortly ," Alie said.

Immediately breaking the scene.

Jinyoung awkwardly cough. Jisoo just looked around, pretending to not know what was happening.

" Is something wrong here? ," Alie asked them.

" Hello, Miss Alie ," Jinyoung greeted her.

" Well, look who's here, Park Jinyoung in the house! ," Alie replied, smiling at him.

" Living person here standing and talking to you ," Jinyoung smiled also.

" Oh, Mrs Lee! You are here too! ," Alie said, noticing her.

" Hi Alie. How are you? ," Jisoo replied awkwardly, smiling.

" I'm good, thanks for asking. How about you? I don't think I saw Eunwoo arrived with you earlier, am I right? ," Alie asked her again.

" Actually, Alie, Jisoo came here to give Eunwoo his lunch ," Sanha interjected.

" Oh really? That was sweet, Mrs Lee! What about you, Sanha? Do you have any business here? ," Alie asked him, letting him join their conversation.

" He accompanied me. I don't know where my husband went, so that's why he's here with me ," Jisoo replied for Sanha.

" I see. Then did all of you have lunch already? ," Alie asked them all.

" Actually, we were about to eat when Sanha and Eunwoo came to talk to us ," Jinyoung replied this time.

" Wait, you are here with Mrs Lee having what? ," Alie asked again.

" Coffee and some chat ," Jinyoung replied again.

Alie nodded her head , and her eyes landed on Sanha. Sanha signaled that Eunwoo was getting angry and that the atmosphere between the three was getting thicker and thicker than it was. Alie nodded, understanding the situation.

" I believe we should have lunch then what do you think Jinyoung? Sanha? ," Alie asked.

Jinyoung looked from Jisoo to Alie, asking if why Alie just asked him and Sanha to have lunch with.

Sanha just smiled awkwardly.

" That is a great idea, Alie! I'm in! ," Sanha replied.

Alie nods at him and smiles.

" Jinyoung? ," Alie asked Jinyoung, who was still staring at Jisoo.

" I think that's a good idea too, but why don't we ask Jisoo and Eunwoo to join us too? ," Jinyoung suggests.

Jisoo exhaled.

Eunwoo was clenching his jaw he still did not get to why Jinyoung would always come whenever and wherever Jisoo was? Though it is a coincidence but the coincidence is not good anymore it is getting annoying now. Jinyoung and him are both married, just like what he said to me and Jisoo in Paris, but that was not what Eunwoo thinks it is. He does not believe that Jinyoung is married and is now in love with his wife. He is not trusting him like Jisoo does.

" Shit ," Sanha cursed.

" I think Eunwoo and Jisoo want some private lunch and talk. I mean, Mrs. Lee even cooked Eunwoo his lunch ," Alie explained to Jinyoung.

" Please don't say anything, Jinyoung. Please don't be a prat with Jisoo and Eunwoo's relationship ," Sanha muttered to himself.

" Oh, come on, I made a reservation already. Come, boys! ," Alie said, not letting Jinyoung say something.

" Come on then, Alie! ," Sanha added.

Alie dragged Jinyoung along with her.

Sanha winked at Eunwoo before going out of the cafe with Jinyoung and Alie.

Eunwoo exhaled, " Sorry."

Jisoo looks at him.

" Why are you saying sorry? ," Jisoo asked him.

" I overreact, and I become a prat ," Eunwoo replied.

" Is that all? ," Jisoo replied, asking him.

" What do you mean, is that all? ," Eunwoo asked he is a bit confused.

Jisoo suddenly remembered that he was not aware of what she was talking about. She blushed.

" Hey, are you sick? Why are you turning red? ," Eunwoo asked her concern.

" I-I am sorry too ," Jisoo said.

" Why? What for? ," Eunwoo asked.

" I did not ask permission before I came here ," Jisoo replied.

" No, it's fine. Sanha told me that you bought me my lunch. Really? ," Eunwoo asked her.

" Yeah, I—you left your lunch box at home, so I thought that I would just deliver it to you so that you would not be interrupted with your shoot ," Jisoo explained to her side.

" That's very touching. Now, where is it? ," Eunwoo asked her again.

" Wait, can we eat lunch here? ," Jisoo asked him.

" Yes ma'am! Mr Lee is a regular customer here, ma'am ," a crew said, not intending to hear their conversation.

" That's good to hear. Thanks ," Jisoo replied.

" Thank you. I will order one coffee less sugar. Thanks ," Eunwoo said before the crew could get back to her duty.

" Ah wait, can I have another slice of my strawberry tart? ," Jisoo asked the crew.

The crew smiled wide," Of course, ma'am! "

" Thank you ," Jisoo replied.

The crew left them be.

" So where is it? ," Eunwoo excitedly asked her.

Jisoo put out all of the three bento boxes that she prepares for him. Jisoo, one by one, unclasp the bento boxes. The first box consists of different rice cakes. The next box has a hot stew, and then the last box has different sushi and rice toppings. Eunwoo smiled widely.

" I maintain it warm so it will stay like that when it's your lunch time ," Jisoo explained.

He was very touch. He smiled at her and kissed her right hand tenderly.

" Thank you. I appreciate it. It all looks delicious. I can't wait to swallow them all by myself ," Eunwoo said.

" Ah wait, I promise Sanha that I will give him some ," Jisoo said before Eunwoo could get one of the rice cakes.

" What? No way I'm sharing it with anyone but myself! ," Eunwoo protests.

Jisoo just laughed and let him eat all the food that she had prepared.


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