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" That was just a warm-up, everyone. We still need to hear their family's message before we collect the gifts and end our celebration, and the newlyweds will be off to go in paradise tonight! ," Kwang Soo said.

Claps there and here and even laughs is there.

" Alright, may I call on the bride's mother or father? Who would do the honor ma'am and sir? ," Kwang Soo asked Kim's.

Jisoo's father seemed to be arguing with her mom, and then after a while, he stood up, and he straightened his suit. He walks to Kwang Soo.

" I never knew that I would get to see Mr. Kim, this proximity. Ah, what an honor, sir. Please step here and deliver your speech to your lovely daughter and gentlemen son ," Kwang Soo said, and he stepped out of his place and assisted the Kim patriarch.

Jisoo seems to be reluctant and anxious as to what her father was about to say.

" Calm down. I'm sure he will deliver the unexpected speech. He is still your father. I know how you hate them, but without them, you won't be here with me ," Eunwoo said, sensing Jisoo's anxiousness.

She smiled weakly at him, and Eunwoo held her hand tight under the table.

" Hello. Thank you for your introduction, Kwang Soo ," Mr Kim begins.

Kwang Soo nodded his head.

" And thank you, everyone, for attending this special day in my daughter's life. I appreciate how you love her as your friend. ," Mr Kim said again while smiling.

The girls nodded specially at the Black Pink table.

" I would like to say sorry for my daughter. (Silence fell and Mr Kim look at Jisoo) for not supporting her for what she wants and for always being out of the house. I did not even see her and her husband before they got married the other day. (Still, silence is there, and now Jisoo is looking at her father giving his speech). All I want is for her to be happy and achieve all the dreams that she has when she is a little kid. She's our princess, and I hope you, young man, now my son also. I hope you treat her the way we do and love her, like how much we love her. (Mr Kim was looking at Eunwoo, and Eunwoo abruptly nodded his head). I would not ask for more. Just don't make her cry, but I hope you won't or you will be facing me. I'm sorry to your parents, but my child is a woman, and I ought to protect her as her father. (Mr Kim look at Eunwoo's parent's table and Mr Lee nodded hie head while Mrs Lee smiled at him and then Jisoo's father smiled too) but I doubt this young man will do that and of course, I'm looking forward for our grandchildren soon. (People laugh) Congratulations, my daughter and son. I wish you all the best. Thank you ," Mr Kim finally finished his speech.

Jisoo was teary-eyed, and every girl in the guests did. Lots of applause can be heard. Eunwoo hugs Jisoo beside him and dries her wet face with his hand.

" Your father loves you very much ," Eunwoo told her.

" Ye-yeah. Oh God ," Jisoo said she couldn't control her emotions.

Eunwoo kisses her temple and soothes her back.

" Aw, the couple look lovely hugging each other ," Kwang Soo, getting everyone's attention to look at Eunwoo and Jisoo.

The two did not break their hug. Lots of aws is heard.

" Now may I thank you, Mr Kim, for that heartwarming speech. All the ladies seem to be touched by a father's speech that you give ," Kwang Soo said, acknowledging Jisoo's father's speech.

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