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"Jisoo please let me explain everything," Eunwoo said.

He was trying his best to reach Jisoo behind Rosé and Lisa.

"How can you explain leaving your wife alone clueless about where the heck you are," Rosé said.

"I-I was curious because I heard other shoppers talking about Gyu-young so I sneak a peek just to make sure," Eunwoo begin his story.

"Why would you be curious about her? Who is she to you?," Lisa asked this time.

"She's a friend. Just a friend I swear, Lisa," Eunwoo replied with his hand swearing.

"Then tell us why are you there at the exact moment when she passed out?," Rosé asked again.

"I approach her and asked whey is she there without anyone with her and without disguise she replied but she did not answer my questions she just call my name and I was about to go back to Jisoo that time but then I catch a glimpse of her slowly falling on the floor and in instinct I immediately run and catch her before she hit the floor," Eunwoo explained again.

"And you continue to be her superhero until you reach the hospital and without even remembering that you left someone important inside," Lisa said.

Eunwoo was guilty about that part. He look down on his feet now he is regretting it. Terribly regretting it to his core.

"I'm so sorry. Please. Jisoo please talk to me," Eunwoo was begging Jisoo who was not looking at him but on her feet.

"Don't approach her now. We don't want to see you with her," Rosé said.

"Jisoo... please... can we-we talk?," Eunwoo was begging her again his tears was threatening to fall from his eyes.

Jisoo slowly lift her head up again. This time she look at Eunwoo on his eyes.

"I heard everything already. From the news, from you and I think... I think that's enough for now," Jisoo replied.

And then she walk out of the scene passong by Lisa and Rosé and Eunwoo. When she was about to reach the doorknob to get out Eunwoo held her wrist and pull her towards him he was back hugging her.

Rosé was about to run to rescue and free her friend but Lisa prevent her.

"Why are you pulling me back!? Let me go!," Rosé said anger written on her face.

"We should not interfere with this issues this doesn't concern us. Yes we are Jisoo's friends but we did not let Eunwoo speak to her like what he begged Jisoo earlier," Lisa replied.

"So what? You heard Jisoo right? He heard everything already so there's nothing more to talk about," Rosé said.

"But still. They are husband and wife and this happened without us so we don't exactly know the real scenario earlier. We must leave them alone and give them privacy," Lisa replied once again explaining her side.

She pulled Rosé and leave Jisoo and Eunwoo alone without them noticing them going out of the room.

Eunwoo catch a glimpse of Lisa.

'Thank you so much, Lisa,' Eunwoo thought.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to leave you alone. I... I was just worried that something might happen to her. Jisoo, she's not herself earlier she was drunk. She did not know what she was doing so I just help her. Please believe me. Whatever that media said that you and your friends heard earlier they don't know what happened they just rely on what people said to them. I know you kmow how harsh social media is right?," Eunwoo said leaning on Jisoo's neck whispering his explanation while not letting Jisoo separate from him even just an inch.

Jisoo exhaled deeply. She did not know what to say. The events that happened that day was still processing in her mind. Yes what she heard was just the media's opinion and some people around and she did not heard Eunwoo's side of the story.

She grab Eunwoo hands around her waist. Slowly untangling it from her waist she slowly turn to face him.

"I know how they work. And I believe you...," Jisoo said looking at him.

Eunwoo was relieved to hear her agreeing and believing him but he can see a but coming.

"But I am still processing everything that happened and I... I am exhausted I think I need a break," Jisoo added.

Eunwoo's eyebrows crease. He is not getting what Jisoo wants to say.

"I don't understand. What-what do you mean by break?," Eunwoo asked her.

"I mean maybe we should not go home together tonight," Jisoo replied.

"What? I thought you understand my side and-and that we are reuniting. Am I wrong?," Eunwoo was not liking this vibe.

"Yes, yes we are reuniting and you are not wrong but I still need a break," Jisoo replied.

"No. No. I don't want to Jisoo. No," Eunwoo said repeatedly while shaking his head.

"Just for this vacation Eunwoo," Jisoo replied holding his face.

"No. I don't want to. Please don't leave me Jisoo," Eunwoo said now his crying.

Call me childish but he grew attached to Jisoo already after everything that happened. He can't even get separated from her just for seconds. It just happens earlier and that his instinct told him to help the one in need.

"I will not leave you for good. Just... just for a bit," Jisoo replied trying to think of words to say that won't make it much worse than it is.

Eunwoo was still shaking his head repeatedly.

"I will leave for now. You can go home if you want to spend the night at our home. I will go back when I'm ready and my break was enough to face reality again," Jisoo said looking at him.

"No! No! I am not going home without you. No!," Eunwoo replied.

He was doing tantrums like a kid who was about to see his mother leave him behind.

Jisoo did not say anything instead she kiss Eunwoo on his left cheek and caress his face and then she fully untangle herself from him. It was painful for her too but she thinks that aftwr what happened with the law, shot gun marriage, the unexpected honeymoon, the Jinyoung stalking, and now this the Gyu-young issue. She's just exhausted and add he work too and she thought to use this vacation to get her self time and search for herself again. Alone.

Eunwoo wants to reach for her. To run after her, to chase her. But his body seems to give up and he just let her go like that.

'Jisoo... please get back immediately. Please don't leave me... I'm sorry,' Eunwoo thought while he is left drowning with his own tears.


(A/N: hi! This is what I'm talking about. I changed the plot and make it much more drama and with no apocalypse happening hahaha. I guess I just ran out of ideas but then I got the chance to go back to the original plot. So I hope you understand and re read my story to understand the new plot. Thanks!)

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