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The three of them rode the hotel's car that was part of their accommodation. The car will pick them up too after their time at the famous tower.

" Bonjour! Madame and monsieurs! Welcome to Eiffel Tower! ," a guy wearing a berret said. (a/n: You know that cap that Picasso has on his genius head? That was what I wanted to say. I'm just not sure if my spelling is right. Correct me in the comment section down below if I'm wrong. Thanks!)

" Thank you. ," Jisoo replied.

" This way, madame. ," the guy said, extending his hands.

Eunwoo and Jinyoung smiled at him as they passed him by.

The tower has an elevator inside it and a digital map at every floor that the tower had. Eunwoo's aim was to get at the top with Jisoo and have dinner while they are looking at the magnificent city of Paris before them while almost reaching the evening sky full of stars and it was all ruined because of Jinyoung who suddenly pops out of nowhere.

" Jinyoung, how long have you been staying here at Paris? ," Jisoo asked curiously while they were riding the elevator.

They are conversing in korean, so no one who's with them inside can understand what they are talking about.

" I have been staying here for one week already ," Jinyoung replied.

" Are you not affected by the law? ," Eunwoo asked Jinyoung.

" I do ," Jinyoung replied.

" Then why are you here? Honeymoon also? ," Eunwoo asked again.

" No. Actually, I got married last month, and yeah, I'm here for work ," Jinyoung replied.

The elevator was going up really, really slow at what they expected.

" You are already married? ," Eunwoo asked.

" Yeah to a simple citizen, not like us ," Jinyoung replied.

" That's great news. How was your married life? ," Jisoo asked.

" At first awkward, but we are slowly adjusting ," Jinyoung replied.

" That's good to hear ," Eunwoo said, joining their conversation again.

" How did you two get paired up? Two of the most talked person's in our country got married just like that ," Jinyoung asked.

" The test decided it not us ," Jisoo replied.

" Are you both happy? ," Jinyoung asked.

The elevator fell silent.

" Are you? ," Jinyoung asked again.

" At first, we aren't ," Jisoo replied.

" No one wants this law ," Jinyoung said.

" Yeah, that's why we are both sad that time, but we should figure it out first ," Eunwoo said.

" We are all shocked about this, but we need to comply, though ," Jisoo added.

" We do ," Jinyoung agreed.

The elevator door dings.

" Will you recommend some restaurant to eat? ," Eunwoo asked Jinyoung.

" I'm afraid here in the tower I don't. This is my first time here too ," Jinyoung replied.

" Really? You have been here for a week and you did not travel here? Really Jinyoung? ," Jisoo asked, laughing a little.

" Yeah, is that so hard to believe? ," Jinyoung replied.

" I don't know how long you two have been friends, but with your reactions, I bet you both become friends for years ," Eunwoo said.

" I'm telling you, Eunwoo, Jisoo, and I are good friends ," Jinyoung replied.

" Yes, and we have been friends for years ," Jisoo added.

" I can see that ," Eunwoo said.

" We should eat dinner now. I'm starving ," Jisoo said.

They strolled around the entire tower and surveyed every restaurant that they saw and asked about their specialties and delicacies each restaurant had. They ended up eating at every restaurant. At first Jinyoung payed for their foods and then the second one was payed by Jisoo and after that the others were payed by Eunwoo until they have dinner and decided to buy foods that they can eat while they got back to their hotel and it turns out that they become much more closer including Eunwoo and they talk about everything and how was life before getting married and how they cope up with the news and how did it went when they got to meet each other's parents just like Jisoo and Eunwoo. They both got shock to know that Jinyoung's wife's parents did not agree for him but the government did what they could and there's nothing the family of his wife can di because it is a law that no one can lift without the president's agreement and they need to get their population increase again to gain more income and manpower in the near future. They are not the only country that implemented the law other's do. Those countries that have a huge population drop that affect their country the most, though they don't want to complicate things. They just did what they think is right for all of their people. Turns out that the law was implemented in half of the world's countries. The pandemic had a huge impact on all leaders, and they were forced to do things that were not in their liking, too, but they didn't have a choice. Life is unpredictable it can give different scenarios and unexpected events that they are not prepared for, so they must take action before it gets worse and destroy what they are protecting. The law was not reasonable, but it can be an asset in the near future. This time they must need to obey but if they still don't want to the government gave them permission to have a divorce just in case they are not happy anymore and that the law become destroyed and trashed but in the mean time they need to this and this is the only way to make their population increase and help their government to gain again and be back to it's natural peek. They have been given incentives including their own house, job, even their security and location to live was secure and definitely government approved and no one can harm them inside once they are married that's what the government assured them. The three got well, and Jinyoung and Eunwoo even decided to have a drink for the night before they both got back to their hotels.


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