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After having calmed down a little, I got up and took a short shower. I got dressed and when I finally took the lock from my door and opened it, I bumped into Jughead's body.

J: Good morning, love - he gave me a little kiss, which I stopped - Is something wrong?

B: no, of course not - I faked a smile - but it's a little late and I still have to have breakfast

J: good point - he smiled at me-

We went down and sat down for breakfast with mom and Fp. They were talking about something, I think Fp scolded Jug for not coming home last night. I just paid attention to him when he said that it looked like they had a clue, so he would also be absent tonight. I smiled internally while drinking my coffee.

When we finish, we take our backpacks and go out.

B: Do you have a clue?

J: something like that - proud smile - although it's confidential, Cooper

B: Oh yes? -raise an eyebrow-

J: -he went and gave me a little kiss- we were noticing that lately he has been releasing the tapes in the area of...

I didn't hear it, remembering Archie's lips on my neck the night before. I bit my lip, where would he be now?

J: Earth Betty, can you hear me? -he moved his hands on my face-

B: I'm sorry, Juggy. I was thinking about something else.

J: okay, I won't get angry because I'm sure it's something related to school

Mmm...yes...school. When I arrived, I went straight to my locker, I took out my science book when I felt some hands on my waist. The same ones that had been caressing me the night before. Remove them quickly.

B: Do you want me to kill you?

A: I'm sorry, I couldn't resist - he leaned on the locker next to me, he smiled sideways. Why did God make it so irresistible?

B: You'll have to do it, Arch. Don't make me regret last night.

A: also. I didn't think it was that bad.

B: it is, Archie - look sideways - Do you remember that your girlfriend is my best friend and my boyfriend is yours?

A: something disastrous...

B: in fact, it is - close my locker-

A: Tonight is still standing, isn't it? -I hug my shoulders-

J: "How much love there is around here, but we must go to class," he said nonchalantly.

B: You've already read it, Andrews

A: Then don't tell me that I'm not affectionate -Jughead started walking- you make me happy, Betty Cooper -I whisper in my ear as I let go-

I smiled like a fool and went after Jug.

Later, during Philosophy class, I was very focused on my text when I heard a few knocks on the door. I looked at her and blushed when I saw Archie, what was he doing here?

A: I'm sorry to interrupt your class, teacher. But they call Cooper at the address.

Teacher: very good, wow, Miss Cooper

Confused, I put my things away and went out with Archie.

B: no one really calls me, right?

A: shh - I take my hand - follow me

Of course I followed him. I'll take it to the empty music room. When entering under the periard.

B: Archie?

A: -he approached me- I'm sorry, I missed you

B: We can't do this here, Archie - his hands went to my back. I bit my lip-

A: Who says it?

He kissed me while taking me to take me on the piano, I opened my legs so that he could settle on them and he put on my skirt. I put my fingers in her hair. It must have been something quick. He got rid of the clothes that prevented us from being together.

A: Betty... -I look in her pants- I don't have... shit

B: -I attracted him again- it doesn't matter, just do it, Arch

To hell. He smiled at me and then went in. I let out a little moan clinging to his back. I felt your kisses on my neck. My body became a hedgehog when I heard what I had subtly whispered in my ear.

"I love you, Betty"

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