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{Narra Betty}

I opened my eyes slowly, my head hurt a little. I noticed that I was in my room and I had a very worried Kevin next to me. Although the one who really caught my attention was Jughead standing at the end of my bed.

B: What's going on?

J: I'd like to know the same thing

K: Betty - I looked at it and left the ultrasound on my legs - we found it in your bathroom. Are you pregnant?

B: Kev... Jug...

K: Why didn't you say anything? We could have helped. Is that why you have stayed away from everyone?

J: It's okay, Kevin. Let me talk to her.

K: Good, but I'll be waiting outside. You owe me a lot of explanations - I was angry and with reasons. He went out closing the door-

Jughead sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. I watched the photograph for a moment and I noticed a small, sad smile.

J: "I think there's something you should tell me," he said calmly.

B: I'm sorry... -he whispers trying not to cry-

J: Why, Betty? Wasn't I enough?

B: No, it's my fault. It was a mistake... I'm so sorry

J: You know? I suspected it... but I didn't think I knew this way - sigh - who is it?

B: that doesn't matter, Jug

J: Actually, if it matters," my belly points out.

B: I don't want to talk about it

J: Is it Archie?

B: No

J: No?

B: No. Of course not

J: good...

We were silent for a moment. The situation was not the best. My only relief was that apparently Kevin didn't show him the letter that I bet I read. Soon I would have to explain a lot to him.

J: Betty... Why didn't you say anything?

B: I didn't lose... I was afraid, mom will kill me as soon as I know. When she found the condoms she went crazy... and now I'm "repeating" the story of her and Polly. You know it

The asintio, thoughtful.

J: Betts... how many weeks are you?

B: Jughead...

J: please, tell me

B: almost three weeks...

J: Betty... Do you remember that weekend at Cheryl's house? We got drunk and... I don't remember much but...

That had been on Saturday... Archie and I on Monday...

No, no, no. This is not possible. Was this really happening to me or was it another dream? Now that he mentioned it, he remembered it, I know that we had sex because I woke up with a headache in his arms on the morning after the event.

So now in addition to Archie leaving and probably would never see him, there was a small chance that he wasn't even the father... but Jughead, the good boy who has always been to me and was with his heart left with me now, even knowing that he had been unfaithful to him. I didn't even want to think about how I would take it if he found out that it was with Archie... but he had left so he probably never knew.

So... Does the situation get worse or better?

B: Do you think it could have happened?

J: it's a possibility - I smile a little - in fact, although the situation is not the best, it makes me happy to think about it

B: I don't want to excite you and hurt you more.

J: just think about it for a moment - he settled down - there is a, maybe 50%? Chances are that it's mine -mm...maybe it's 10%- and so I can sense the "subject" is more than absent. I'm not going to leave you alone and with a child. Your mother wouldn't accept such a thing either - I breathe - I can take care of it

B: Jughead, but if it's not?

J: and if not, well, I'll love him as if he were mine. I will try to be a good father for him... or her.

I smile with crystal-clear eyes. I couldn't believe what I was listening to. He approached me and kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes, imagining it was Archie.

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