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I was so focused on her eyes that I didn't realize where we really were. And I noticed it late. I saw Veronica behind Archie, touching his shoulder. I let it go, a little blushing.

B: all yours, V -I smiled at him and practically ran to Jughead-

J: Betty... what was that?

B: what?

J: the show you just gave with Archie

B: we just danced, something you haven't asked me since we arrived, Jughead

J: I... I'm sorry... Would you like to dance with me?

B: I thought you would never ask

Take your hand and we'll dance. At a very short distance, Archie was also dancing with Veronica. I didn't look away.

J: I'm sorry I've been so busy all this time, I've neglected you a lot

B: Don't worry, I understand that this is important to you. You shouldn't apologize, Juggy.

J: you're so good... let me reward you tonight - I caress my back-

Open your eyes. Whenever I did it with Jughead I had enjoyed it a lot, I felt that I loved him, he was my boyfriend of almost 4 years after all. But after Archie, the mere idea of touching him caused me discomfort... the only person who wanted me to make love to me was dancing with my best friend a few meters away from me.

I looked for his gaze in the distance and with my mouth I pronounced a "I'm sorry". All the color on Archie's face went away and I shook my head warning me. I couldn't do much.

Jughead smiled at me and took my hand making a signal to leave. I followed him and turned to see Archie, who was not even there anymore. I couldn't even take a step more than the fire alarm started ringing and everyone, including us, went out.

Once outside, we all met again. Archie came back as if nothing had happened, yes, it had been him. Our parents didn't take long to arrive and we started to leave. I couldn't forget my neighbor's triumphant face with my boyfriend's frustration. They had ruined his night.

Once we arrived and had to put up with a mom's speech about all the risks in the auditorium, I was finally able to go to my room.

I changed my clothes for something more comfortable and took off my makeup. I heard two taps on my window and when I turned around I noticed that it was Archie. I locked the door and went to open it for him.

B: What are you doing here, Archie? It's not a good time

A: we have to talk

B: Can we do it tomorrow? Please

A: No, Betty. It's always the same with you, I always have to wait until tomorrow. That morning never arrives - he sat in bed with frustration - I can't stand this situation anymore. Support that touches you for a long time, I can't anymore.

B: Archie...

A: What would have happened if I hadn't activated the alarm? Would you have slept with him like you've been with me for days? What am I for you, Betty? Just sex?

B: Of course not, Archie. You are more than that.

A: So why don't you end up with him? Why do you continue with this stupid game? I can't stand it anymore, I'm not going to be your second option.

B: You are not a second option. Here, the second option is me.

A: What?

B: nothing

A: No, now say it.

B: What am I going to say? That I feel horrible about this situation and that it's all your fault for choosing Veronica instead of me? That when you got tired of her after two years you come running into my arms? Tell me what kind of security I have with you, Archie. I don't even know if you're still going to love me in the morning - I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry - What will happen when I leave? What guarantee do I have that you won't fall in love with the first girl you see again?

A: Betty... that's not the way things are...

B: Of course, that's the way things are. You always preferred them all over me. And they have all slept with you and now I join the club... every morning I wake up afraid that someone new will cross your path and you go after. And then Jughead comes and hugs me and I know that at least I'm someone's first option and that he's not going to replace me from one moment to the next.

We both had tears in our eyes. He remained silent for a moment.

A: So that's what you think of me - I whisper- well... I hope it makes you very happy and that you love at least half of what I do

B: Archie...

I go down through my window. Tears ran down my cheeks. My stomach turned and I ran to the bathroom.

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