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{Narra Betty}

Was there a worse situation than this? I doubt it very much.

B: Jughead...

Alice: I... I'm going to leave them alone - he got up and went out-

J: -I close the door and he approached and then hugged me- Why didn't you tell me before? Is that why you've been so weird lately? God... I should have assumed it. I'm so...surprised but happy.

B: Jughead, I...

J: Yes, that's fine, I heard what they were talking about. Don't be afraid, I'm going to take care of it obviously

Her hands began to go to my belly and I went away before I touched her.

B: Jughead, I don't even know if I really am or not, stop

J: nausea, cravings, sudden tears. I think my son has been noticed for a while - we've been hitting the bathroom. That had been strange.

B: It's okay, but don't get too excited. Seriously

J: How can I not get excited? We will have a baby, Betty.

B: -I wanted to shout that it was not his, that while he slept I slept with someone else, that my baby's dad was not in this room, but in the house next door- Enough, Jughead. Just stop!

J: What's wrong with you, Betty?

B: Don't you realize? I just ruined my future, my mom hates me, I haven't even graduated yet. I'll miss the opportunity to go to Yale... this situation is not happy

J: Betty... I... I'm sorry

B: Just leave me alone, please. I need it

J: it's okay - he sighed and approached to kiss me, he shook his head and left-

As soon as he left, I went to the door to lock him up. I lean against her and breathe, closing my eyes. I heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, I opened my eyes suddenly scared. Archie came out from behind her.

Yes, everything had definitely gotten worse.

A: "It's not his son," he said with a frown but speaking slowly.

B: Oh, Archie - the tears came out, I couldn't contain myself anymore. His face turned and he approached me wrapping his arms. Arrange my face on his chest - What are you doing here? How much did you feel?

A: I came for... it doesn't matter anymore. I heard everything... Why didn't you tell me?

B: I'll tell you the same as him and mom, I haven't taken a test yet, there's nothing insured. Besides, if I had known...

A: I'll hear you - I sigh and separate a little, his face reflected a certain pain - I... I feel like garbage now. Every day I am more surprised about all the insecurities I can give... In addition, I agree with Jughead, I think he has already been noticed, that is, he has been living with dulce de leche, it is something that a son of mine would do - he made half a smile -

B: I'll go down, bowing my head a little. It was true, I had been eating dulce de leche with practically everything.

A: Betty - she cleared her throat a little and looked at him again - I know that this is not the best situation by any means, but if there is a little one growing in there, I really want to be part of his life, of both of their lives - his eyes began to crystallize, therefore, mine too-

B: Arch...

A: I'm sorry - he said something embarrassed as he blinked quickly to stop the tears - I'm a fool, I know

B: of course not - I smiled - just... I take us by surprise

A: a little surprise

B: I would say it's a big one

We laughed a little in tears. His hands approached my belly, it was shaking. Take them and place them in it. He smiled and caressed him a little.

A: Oh, Betty... -I whisper before hugging-

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