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K: this can't be...

Kev murmured as he went straight to his computer. I sat on one of the chairs, the lyrics were too... personal.

Watch Kevin search on Google something but said by his own words there was nothing. The song was anonymous, under a pseudonym so we were out of nowhere again.

B: it was him, Kev...

K: lose, Betts. It was definitely the

Was that a request for help or something like that?

Was it for me?

I got up and had a glass which I filled with water and drank a little. The doorbell rang and the glass slipped from my hands, falling to the ground and breaking.

K: "Oh, Betty," he said, getting up and coming towards me.

B: I'm an idiot, I'm sorry - I hug and I cling to him - What if that song is for me? Do you want me to look for it? How am I going to tell you about Freddy? What if he's with Veronica? What if they are married?

K: Hey, don't worry, he put his hands on my cheeks. "We'll take care of this, okay? Just stay calm and there won't be much to say. Archie will see it and know it, it's his vivid image.

B: yes... it is... - I leave a kiss on my forehead and the doorbell rang again - I'm sure it's Jughead

K: What problems do you have, B. I think you invoked it yourself by giving the yes to the Jug.

He went to open, letting the aforementioned in with a gift wrapped in blue paper.

J: Good morning, are you having breakfast?

K: yes, come on. Fred is still sleeping so you better sit down.

He approached me and wanted to kiss me but I walked away quickly.

J: Is everything in order? -I ask strangely-

K: Of course, Betty is a little distracted today.

J: I see...

B: I... I have to go - let go suddenly-

J: What? Where to?

K: Betty...

B: I'm sorry, I have to go. Kevin, take care of Fred, please

I took my keys, my bag and I shot out. I left the building and took a breath, I did it several times to calm down. My head was spinning. I was drowning in a glass of water, yes, but I felt like it was a sea.

I got in my car and started driving to try to clear myself, although it was useless. The only thing that came to me to try not to think and also to have a good excuse for when I return home is to do the shopping.

Park at the supermarket and get out of the car. Go in and take a cart making a mental note of everything that was needed. When I arrived at the dairy area, I felt triumphant to notice that I had almost forgotten about Archie. I grimaced when I noticed that Fred's favorite yogurt had run out. I kept moving forward while I thought I should bring meat.

My cart stopped, crashing into something or rather someone. I heard a groan from the man who was with his back to me, he had an elegant suit and black hair.

B: I'm sorry, sir. It wasn't my intention, I'm really sorry.

Xx: you could use your eyes next time... miss

I stood still when I recognized his voice... and also how rude it was.

B: A... Archie?

He stood still, like me, for a moment and turned slowly as he took off his expensive black glasses. My heart was paralyzed when I saw his brown eyes again. His hair, those clothes... what did they do to my Archie?

A: Betty...

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