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<Marathon 4/5>

I finished my dessert, satisfied and I got ready to go. I took my bag and got up while I was sending a message to Kevin that he would arrive in 5 minutes.

The fresh air hit me and along with all the remorse for what had happened there.

I officially went crazy.

I stayed for a moment, hoping that he would come out and give me his number or something. But it didn't happen.

I stopped a taxi and got in. I took one last look at the place but no copy of Cristián Grey came out of there. I shook my head and gave the driver the address.

I arrived at the apartment. I stopped at the door for a moment.

Am I supposed to tell Kevin?

Because it really makes me doubt it now.

I sighed and took out my keys, opened the door and went in. He was watching a movie and Fred was sleeping on the couch next to him.

Kevin would be a great father, one day I hope not too far away.

K: What? How did it go?

B: oh...um...very good

K: Were you able to talk?

B: talk? Pff... yes, a lot

K: I see... I wonder with whom since Jughead had to leave early.

B: I have to go to bed Fred - I left my bag-

K: Who were you with, Betty?

B: Let's see, if Jughead wasn't with me, does that automatically mean that I was with someone else? I'm disappointed in you

K: Don't bother me in your games, Cooper. You are noticeably nervous, something happened and it smells like it has a first and last name. Oh yes, Lodge

I closed my eyes. The idea of Archie being a Lodge was simply unbearable.

K: Do you see? What happened?

B: nothing, he just went to eat in the same place as us.

K: Alone or with your wife?

B: I'm not going to talk about it. It seems as if you were reproaching me.

K: Is there anything I should reproach him for?

B: Is this all about Jughead?

K: this is for you, for Fred, for himself. Do you remember who he's involved with now?

B: so all this is to protect us -neze your head-

K: Of course, Betty. Don't you see it? We are not 17 years old, there is a child involved and that family is not good.

B: Because if you want it so much, don't you marry Jughead?

K: It's not because of him! I want to protect them

B: afternoon - I took off my shoes-

K: What did you do, Elizabeth?

B: Fuck it, Kevin! I had sex with Archie while Veronica was a meter away, and you know what? You don't care

K: tell me it's a fucking joke.

B: No, it's not. He loves me and I love him, on Friday he will come to see me and I'll tell him about Fred

K: I can't believe it - I murmur - Are you Tessa's copy now? He's married, Betty. With Veronica's! Do you think you'll tell him about Fred and that afternoon he's going to get divorced and they're going to live three at his house in Riverdale and be happy forever? Do you think it's a stupid romance novel? And now we're not even talking about the Lodges, Betty. Why is Archie no longer the one we know?

B: you don't know that.

K: believe me, I know more than I would like. He is totally bent to that family and doesn't care about anything more than protecting his ass.

B: This conversation is stupid. I liked you more before.

I went for Fred, carefully and walked to his room.

K: You'll see, Betty. Let's see if his father-in-law lets him go on Friday... or now that he has what he wants, let's see if he wants to see you again or he would prefer to stay with his wife

Tears threatened to leave and enter Fred's room. I took him to his bed and wrapped him up. He stroked his hair, if he had a heavy sleep, like his father.

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