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After finishing classes and of course my cake, Jughead, Archie and I walked home. I was in the middle of both, my boyfriend was talking about something that I honestly wasn't paying attention to him since the other boy next to me touched my hand at every step. I just returned to reality when I heard his voice and not Jug's.

A: Do you know what they are going to wear for today?

J: In fact, not yet. I don't even know if I'm going to go

A: Why?

J: You know, the investigation with Charles. It seems as if we were at the beginning again, it's frustrating.

B: I thought you would go with me, Jug

A: Well, this time we can't force it. It's something important - I took a look and I wanted to laugh. It was evident that it was much more convenient for him if he was not present.

B: Well, I will go, and I'm not going alone.

J: I could talk to Charles... I couldn't use a one-night break. "I could also spend some time with you," he shook my hand.

A: -I open my eyes- or I could take her, so you don't have to stop doing your things. It's a silly dance, it doesn't compare, right, Betty? -seeing it like this just made me want to eat it with kisses, again-

B: of course

J: Will you be okay alone?

B: I won't be. All Iran, there's no problem with that.

J: It's okay. Anyway, I'll talk to Charles - he shrugged his shoulders.

Once we arrive, we say goodbye to Archie and enter our house. After having lunch and taking a shower, I started getting ready for the dance. Personally, I loved all the outfits of the time, they caused me a lot of intrigue and they were really beautiful. I put on a pink dress with white dots, and a matching handkerchief, I adjusted my hair thanks to a tutorial and my makeup was almost the same as always. She looked at me satisfied. When I turned around, I noticed that my neighbor was watching me, I approached. He looked so handsome! He was wearing a blue t-shirt with high white pants, and they were wide-sleeved. I kissed him from the window and he pretended to grab him and took him to his heart. I smile.

Once I left the room, I noticed that Jughead was dressed too, I was a little sad.

We went down and said goodbye to our parents since Archie would take us in his truck... actually he didn't even know if Jughead was going or not.

We went out and went to his entrance, he just went out and when he saw him he got a little serious.

A: in the end you're going to go

J: Yes, I needed it urgently.

A: That's good, well, are we going? You look great, Betts.

B: Thank you, you're the same. Let's go

We went to the truck and drove to Riverdale High. Jughead was next to him and me back. He was talking while Archie looked at me in the rearview mirror.

《I think that if they had to have the conversation, B. Before it's too late.

We arrived and got off, Jughead gave me his arm and took it. We walk until we enter. The music, the decoration, everyone's clothing.

B: wou...

J: I'm good that I came... Archie, and Veronica?

A: she will come with Smithers, I guess she will arrive soon - she shrugged her shoulders -

We went for a drink and crossed paths with Kevin, Cheryl and Toni. We greeted each other and they started talking.

"The day started normally, the boys passed by.

It was the same old story as always.

Very sweet or very shy"

Archie extended his hand to me with a bright smile.

A: Would Miss Cooper like to dance this piece with me?

B: -I smiled and took your hand- I would love to, Mr. Andrews

"I'm not the kind of girl who falls in love with a boy.

Just because he smiles at him.

I don't usually faint.

But I'm on the moon.

We went to the dance floor and started dancing, slowly.

"And I'm falling in love with you

Falling in love with you

I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but I'm falling in love with you.

I can't resist anymore.

And now I'm falling in love with you.

I smiled looking at him. Sometimes I felt that it was very hard on him. Take your hand and we begin to move a little to the other side, although not so much since I started singing.

"And now we are for each other.

He is wonderful

He told me that I am "the smooth hand"

And that together we are going to paint the city.

I'm not the kind of girl who falls in love with a boy.

Just because he says "hello"

He is ready to run.

And I keep his gaze captive.

He smiled at me and began to sing along with me.

"And I'm falling in love with you

Falling in love with you

I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but I'm falling in love with you.

I can't resist anymore.

And now I'm falling in love with you.

We began to separate and walk away by dancing, without looking away from each other. I heard a "it's wonderful, it takes my breath away" from behind. He attracted me again, hitting him and I sang without stopping to look at me.

"It feels like I've fallen into another world."

Everything feels safer on your arms."

I sang with him by placing my hand on his cheek.

"Maybe it stumbles, but it's true

That I'm madly in love with you and I'll be your girl"

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