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{Narra Betty}

Today was the big day, I don't know why I was more nervous, because of graduation, because I didn't know what to wear or Archie. Considering that he was going to go, he must have looked good. I looked at my wardrobe for the third time, as if I expected a new dress to magically appear.

I sat on the bed and they knocked on the door.

B: go ahead

The door opened letting me see a Kevin already dressed and a white box with a pink bun in his hands.

K: I assumed you would be like this, so I bought you something.

He approached me and left the box on my legs. I looked at it with a smile and opened it anxiously. It was a beautiful white dress with small details in pink.

B: oww... Kev... -I got up and hugged him- thank you, it's beautiful

I parted a little and kissed my forehead. I smiled. Sometimes he acted as a kind of father.

K: So... -I clear his throat- is he going to go?

B: who? Archie? -asintio- yes, he said yes

K: Well... maybe I can talk to him for a moment.

B: - raise an eyebrow- will you talk to Archie? Does that mean that...? Ohhh, the repentant dog is back -rei-

K: Hey, I didn't say anything. I'm just saying that it would be good to talk about this situation that we have.

B: I think it's fine. I think you'll have plenty of time to talk to him.

K: you are very convinced.

B: I am

K: I hope it doesn't disappoint you, again.

I didn't say anything, he gave me a little look and he came out.

It was ready by 5:00 p.m., we were all there. Kevin, Jughead and Fred were walking around the house very handsome.

We left to where they would give me my degree, for later I and a few more colleagues would have a meeting in one of their houses.

Upon arrival, it was pure signatures and deliveries of documents. Finally, we were all graduates. We congratulated each other and they started taking pictures.

Although honestly my eyes were looking for someone else, someone who couldn't be found. Millions of things went through my head. Kevin came to me.

B: please, don't say it

K: I won't do it

Jughead approached with Theo in his arms, the little son of one of our companions, I smiled when I saw them and greeted the little one. When the time came, we started going to our cars to go to the party. I still had hopes that it would arrive and I felt like an idiot about it.

When I arrived at the meeting, I took my cell phone to see the email, I sent him an email to ask him what had happened. The answer was almost instantaneous, he sent me a number which I scheduled and I called. I went out to the yard while it was playing until I heard that they were attending.

B: Archie, tell me you're fine, is something wrong?

V: hello Betty - when I hear her voice I almost fell apart - Archie can't help you now, she's resting. Do you want me to leave you a message?

B: no, I... I just... I thought I would go somewhere. It's nothing, V

V: that's weird, he didn't tell me anything. He stayed in bed with me all day.

B: -apse my hand- of course, of course. I have to hang up, bye Veronica

V: Goodbye, B!

Cut immediately and take a deep breath. I didn't want to cry, I already looked too pathetic. I recharged in one of the columns of the house closing my eyes.

K: Should I say "I told you"?

B: Kev...

K: come here - he opened his arms and went to him, hugging him - remember him, you must always listen to me

B: -I smiled half- you're a fool, Keller

K: Maybe, but now come. You're not going to ruin this day for him, okay? I forbid you.

B: OK - I separated a little, embarrassed - I... I'm very sorry for how I behaved. I don't know what happened to me.

K: It doesn't matter, it's over. It's forgotten, miss reporter. Come on, I have a child to pamper.

I smiled and we went back in although I couldn't stop thinking about Archie and how he had lied to me but above all... used. Kevin was right, at the end of the day he would always choose his wife.

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