<Marathon 1/5>

{Narra Archie}

I opened my eyes slowly, feeling mobility next to me. The unknown girl settled in my chest and I stood still, I felt her slight breath. My eyes flew to his hair.


I caressed him delicately and my mind began to give a face to the stranger. One that had been stuck in my memory since the morning at the supermarket.

I sigh, sliding gently until I get out of bed completely. I put on my boxers and my pants. Walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

Who am I?

Am I the husband of Veronica Lodge, right-hand man of the great Hiram Lodge?

Am I the singer who uses pseudonyms because it is something despicable for the business?

Am I the black guy who meets a different girl every night who is not his wife?

Or am I the redhead, the boy next door, who dreamed of singing and starting a family with the girl next door?

I washed my face trying to clear my thoughts but it was simply... impossible.

I finished putting on the rest of my clothes and I left him enough money to pay for a taxi and maybe be able to have breakfast.

I took my keys and left.

I drove to "my house" and when I arrived I quickly noticed my father-in-law's car parked. I closed my eyes to prepare myself mentally for what was coming.

An hour later, watch the black car leave, taking the worst guy in the world.

His favorite hobby is to treat me like shit and I can't say anything. That is, do you really think he was at a work/friends meeting? Once, in his own words he had said that "men sometimes need to look for love in another bed." Thinking about it upset my stomach, it was his father, he should have minimally sent me to kill or something, but he preferred his happy daughter with his complete doll house. It was a plastic Ken in this cold house.

I walked to my living room and served myself some Whiskey, moved it in the glass and drank it enjoying its flavor.

Betty's image came back to my head and I sat on my favorite couch. I smiled a little when I remembered his face, it looked like I had seen a ghost... and yes, I was becoming one.

Look in the distance, sheet and paper. He hesitated a little but the words just flowed like a river. I got up and sat at my desk. I drank a little and closed my eyes for a moment.

His smile.

His eyes.

Its polka dots.

His laughter.

Her hair.


I heard noises in the distance and sigh, storing everything in one of the drawers. In less than I would have liked, I felt his arms around my neck and a warm kiss on my cheek. Look at your perfect Violet nails.

A: I like pink better... -thinking out loud, again-

V: what?

A: nothing. Good morning

V: Good morning, Archiekings. Have you had breakfast?

A: No, not yet.

V: Well, I'll ask you to make us breakfast. Oh and don't forget that today we have dinner with Isa and Julian.

She let me go to Celia but I stopped holding her by the hand.

A: Wait, I wanted to tell you that I won't be there on Friday. I have a meeting

V: but our friends will come to dinner, Archie

A: I'm sorry, if it wasn't really important I wouldn't leave, honey.

V: It's okay, but I'm going to miss you a lot.

He gave me a little kiss to finally leave. I moved my drink while I watched our friend, the one who came to dinner and went very quietly through the backyard.

I shook my head, I would have to have the sheets washed again.

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