The fall (Noah)

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"Fuck that game was fucking awesome" I herd johnny say.

" We really should have a swear jar for johnny, he would bring in millions per week" I comment making the guys in the locker room laugh a little.

"Ha Ha you are so funny Mr.saint"

"I really am, am i"

Coach sanders walk in "This was an excellent game, good job! we have some small arrangements to make but that's for tomorrow today we celebrate". God my legs are dead after this game, it was a challenge the opponents were rough but so were we. Not stoked for the practice tomorrow morning... Early morning are not my thing! especially not after game day, but since the rink is booked every morning for three months coach said we needed to have one last morning practice before all mid day. Figure skaters really do have weird practice time from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM then from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM that's like 7 hours six days a week. Like i said weird.

"Hey Noah, can i ride with you, my car is still in the work shop" Johnny asks and i just answered with a yes.
"I'll go and wait in the car don't take forever please i'm tired" I tell him before walking out the changing rooms. "Yeah i'll be just a sec!"

I walk out knowing it will take him at least 15 minutes to get out of there. While waiting i start thinking of my family back in Sweden. Especially Mia my little sister she is nine years old and i just miss her the most. So i decided to try and face time my mom.

"Hej Mamma! hur mår du?"
translate: Hello mom, how are you?

"hej, det är bra tack hur är det själv? grattis till vinsten"
translate: Hey, i'm good thank you! how are you? congratulations to the win

"tack så mycket, och allt är bra med mig! är Mia vaken?"
translate: Thank you, everythings good with me! is Mia awake?

"nej hjärtat hon sover, men jag kan ringa dig imorgon så ni kan prata"
translate: No sweetheart she's asleep, but i can call you tomorrow so you can talk

"ja gärna! saknar henne, dig också såklart!"
translate: Yes please! i miss her, you too of course!"

"saknar dig också hjärtat!"
translate: I miss you to sweetheart!"

"jag behöver gå johnny kommer ut från rinken nu, hejdå älskar er"
translate: I need to go johnny's walking out the rink now, bye love you guys

"hejdå älskar dig med!"
translate: Goodbye we love you too

I see johnny stopping in the middle of the parking lot, "What the hell is he doing?" then i see a small figure in the dark, with a dog. He's just standing there, this guy really is his own. "Johnny whats taking you so long, hurry up!"I yelled out the window, hearing him mumble something back. A minute later the passenger seat is opened, finally.

"What was that?" I ask him

"Some hot girl but she turned me down so nothing special"
I just let out a chuckle and drive off. The rest of the car ride is quiet which is nice because of how tired i am, i'm so ready to just sleep. After dropping him home i drive straight to my house, yes i have a house but it's only me and my dog. The house is cozy and you know just a house, the thing is it doesn't really feel like home tho...

Getting home i'm greeted by Marly my golden retriever puppy, she's only a couple of months old. She is the sweetest little cutie, and i just know how much Mia would love her! She is coming to visit in three months, i'll bring her back with me from my trip home to Sweden.

This is the time of the year when my family and friends are so pushy on my love life, always asking: when are you gonna get a girlfriend? how is dating going? and so on. So i tend to not speak to them very often right now, just so i can not think about my tragedy of a love life. But i have everything i need right now which is Marly.

Getting to the house was a relief i just want to sleep!

Waking up the next day at 5:00 AM, practice starts at 6:00 AM. It should be illegal to have practice that early. Especially after a game day, i'm exhausted but to succeed I've got to practice. I'm not in my best shape, well not the shape that i want to be in. This has always been my dream the professional hockey life, and i love it! i just never imagined it would be so lonely.


"Hey, you did good at practice today!" Coach said

"Thank you, i'm a little tired though"

"Yeah understandable, hey can i just ask you small favor?"


"could you please watch my dog for two days the family is going away, and i know you have one yourself."

"Of course, i love dogs and especially Bella"

"Oh thank you i finish a meeting here at the rink at 11:00 PM if you could pic her up here after that?"

"Yeah, i'll be there!"


I return to the rink half an hour early, with Marly.

I take a seat closest to the ice after realizing there's a figure skater on the ice, i sit down and just watch. She is mesmerizing, gorgeous, and the skating is mirroring her emotions. She must be one of the national team skaters, their practice ended at 10:00 PM. Her skating is sad and deep, you can really see that in her eyes and the movements. I have never seen anything like it, I've never seen anything like her. long brown hair, green eyes, short a little tanned skin and graceful she just looks at peace with herself.

Her hypnotizing moves caught my eyes and focus so good that i didn't realize that the door to the ice was open. Suddenly she get caught by such surprise she falls on the ice hard, when i realize her distraction factor i run on to the ice with only shoes. I had without noticing let go of Marlys leash and because of her small size i hadn't seen her walk out on the ice.

panic strikes me, shes bleeding...

authors note:
chapter two i hope it's good! a little cliffhanger hasn't killed anyone now has it?
word count: 1055

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