Birkín (Evangelia)

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"Soooo how about we get you a Birkín to get in a better mood?" We sit in the car just driving without plans right now.

"You can't just get a Birkín like that." She says, god does she even know me at all?

"Darling I can get you whatever you want!"
"Name the Birkín you dream of."

"Well a red crocodile leather mini one." Ohhhh I have one of those but a 25 not a mini, I love it

"Well okay then!" She looks at me weird while I call Monique from the car.

"Hello Ms. Black what can I do for you today?" She said

"Hello! I need a Red Crocodile mini Birkín like right now."  I tell her straight out.

"Ms.Black we don't have any of them in this store, I'm sorry!" She tells me.

"Well then I suggest you solve that issue" I say in a nice tone not like bitchy

"Well let me see what I can do" grace is staring at me like I've gone crazy.

"Well I can have one here in an hour."

"I'll be there in 45 minutes see you" and I hung up

"Are you crazy you can't just by me a Birkín!!!" She slightly scream out.

"Well you said you wanted one and now I'm getting you one. I don't see the issue here?" She just stares at me like I've gone mad. Well okay then maybe I have! I just want to spoil her.

"You hungry?" I ask

"Yeah" she answers

"Well pick a restaurant we have 45 minutes" I say with a smile. She looks back at me in shock that this is actually happening.

"Here's the bag" she looks at it, and I see how much she loves it in her eyes.

"Good we'll take it!" I say

Well I guess she finally has her first Birkín! I think everyone should get a Birkín they're amazing. But you still have to treat it like a bag. If you can't treat a Birkín like any other bag, you can't really afford a Birkín! That's just a fact.

"Where do you wanna go now?" I ask her

"I don't know, like anywhere?" She's still in shock.

"Grace it's a bag okay it's not that big a deal now please focus!" I tell her

"Who was that Noah guy, the one who sat with me?" She asks me.

"He's a guy in the team." A short answer, because I don't really know what to answer.

"He seemed to care about you like more than just some guy, he likes you." I look at her and sigh

"Yeah I know... I wish he didn't! He's annoying, beautiful eyes but annoying" I tell her honestly

"Why?" She looks confused

"Because I wouldn't start liking him back I if he wasn't annoying and kind of a jerk, I'm not gonna lie I'm starting to catch something. But I'm not someone you would want to be in a relationship with." I say

"I think you just think that! Any guy would be lucky to be with you!" She says with a smile

"Oh honey I know getting with me is the best for them. I just can't handle getting hurt, plus I don't have time for relationships!"

"You make time for the people you love! It's the same as right now. You have made the time to be with me. I can swear that you probably have work to do! But four here!" When did she get so smart!

"Yeah your right! Maybe but hey I don't know." She has a point... a really good one.

"Are gonna tell me why your brother really wanted me to take you out? Or am I going to have to wait until you accidentally spill it?" I have stopped the car in the parking lot.

"There's something that I've been hiding since a long time. And I have to tell people eventually but I'm scared..." she really looks scared while telling me.

"I'm not gonna force anything out of you ever! But if you want to tell someone you can tell me" I smile at her so she really see that I care.

"I'm gay..." she blurts out

"Oh Grace! I'm so happy that you wanted to tell me that! And I'm so happy for you! Is there a girl!!!!" She nods
"Oh tell me everything!!!!"

We spend the rest of the day just shopping and talking and just hanging.

So today is the small little shows. Everyone except Jack will be showing something, because he was with the Bitch ass hoe aka Brandon.  I showed up in one of my competitive outfits, a black sparkly one. So I told Noah to wear black so we would match!

"You ready?" He asks me, cute like I'm the one who wouldn't be ready....

"Yeah, you?" I ask back already knowing he's nervous.

"A little bit nervous" he says.

"Well that's normal! But hey, you look good I'm sure it'll go great!" I didn't realize I just said he looked good shit!

"Well you look stunning, but you always do!" I blush a little. Who am I? Blushing at a guys compliment... no way

"Well it's us now!"

We do the program, it goes well! More than well! In the end we face each other and just hold eye contact for 1...2...3...4....5...6...7 seconds. 7seconds of heaven.  This man has some spell or something because I might be hooked.

Well everyone is staring... I back away and gesture him to sit down."

"Well this week has been more than amazing, and I'm happy I got to teach all you something. I hope you all enjoyed it as well." And then they all say a few things and as much manner as I have... my mind was crowded with something totally else. Him...

I decided to stay and practice on my Olympics number. I start feeling dizzy, I haven't eaten in 4 days. Shit m spinning and spinning and spinning until I can't. Once again my mind and sight go dark.... But I hear someone screaming I hear him screaming...

Authors note:
How many times do y'all think she said or thought about a Birkín bag I mean a lot.
Please do vote it really makes me sooo happy and motivated ti keep writing.
Word count: 1062

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