Gossipy aunt

884 21 1

"That was interesting" Noah says when he finally comes back home. They've been gone for 5 hours... I don't know what they've been up too... and I'm not sure I want to know....

"was the date fun?" He hesitates a bit, why?

"It was interesting like I said"


"I don't like David, something is seriously wrong with that guy! He's rude and disrespectful... but other than that it was really nice!" He really switched tones in the second part of his statement.

"I don't like him either baby but Isla does so.. I'm glad you had fun though!" He stares at me

"This is the first time you called me something other than Noah" he smiles

"Well don't get used to it, I tried it but prefer your name! It just rolls of the tongue you know." He smirks

"Yea my name definitely rolls of your tongue" dirty minded fucker!

"Did you have fun Angel?" He sits on the edge of the bed.

"Yes we talked out and we decided that we are going to meet once a month all of us! To hang and eat and play games... unfortunately including David... but it'll be fun!" He turns his head toward me.

"Something is seriously wrong with him..." he looks bothered.

"I know Noah, I know" he sighs

"Well I'm happy you had a great time, and I can deal with him once a month!" We both smile.

"Adonis likes Isla"

"I know" he looks fake hurt! And out his hand over his heart.

"You knew! How could you not tell me!" I just laugh knowing he's actually hurt I didn't tell him.

"For years! They had crushes on each other since they were children! I've known him since before Isla but when I moved in to the Russo family he moved to the mitchko family, and they saw each other once in a while and they were like Romeo and Juliette except the tragedy! Both of them always had crushes no one acted on it though" he finally sits down next to me.

"Hmm that's sad! They would be good for each other!" Yeah they would.

I lay me head on his shoulder and just exist for a while! God what did I do to deserve such a beautiful, intelligent and caring man! I like what my life is right now. Except the Jason thing, but I can't think about it! I can't!

"Did you know Elijah thinks Tasha is cheating" he lays his head on to mine.

"No, is she?"


"Elijah's been keeping mitchko in his dungeons, she's been visiting him for some type of closure and he thinks it's because she's sleeping with him."

"He doesn't know still?" I sigh

"No... and she would rather let the man she loves think she's cheating than say something."

"Why? I don't understand why though?"

"Because she went into a marriage with a man she hated! She hates Elijah because she thought he was just like he's uncle. I do t know if I've mentioned it to you but mitchko is Elijah's uncle. And she then found out that Elijah can be a sick but he's not at all like mitchko. She spent her entire life trying to escape that man and then she was trapped to family dinners and she just feel stupid. She sat at those dinners with the man that destroyed her and said nothing. She probably thought that he wouldn't believe her in the beginning and now she just feel stupid."

I feel like an aunty that's just gossiping to her husband after a family occasion!

"Well yeah probably, but for their sake she need to tell him... at least in my opinion. Not that it matters but you know.Ike you said Elijah might be a dick but he's not a moron like that."

"She will tell him. Now I need sleep because I've eaten so many brownies I'll probably vomit if I continue talking!" He laughs at me, and we cuddle up together and I fall asleep in a matter of seconds

I couldn't sleep, not for any specific reason I just couldn't. Which is the most annoying thing in the world!

She's so gorgeous, this is the only time I can see her totally calm and relaxed. She's laying on my chest and I watch as her head move in rhythm with my chest.

I have to be honest though... I miss hockey a lot! I feel a bit empty without it. I've talked a bit to coach Samuelson and he is willing to let me back on the team. Lia has been talking about moving back, so I'm case we do then I will probably be back! I know Johnny is going to stay here with his family's Ms French girlfriend. I'll miss him and that cute little child! How can such a cute thing come from Johnny? Only god knows.

Mom has been talking about moving to Canada if I move back. And that would be my dream, to have her and Mia close by at all times. But I'm not gonna get to excited before I know for certain!

What I do know is that Mia loves Evangelia! Which makes me the happiest man alive!
This woman makes me the happiest man alive! God if something were to happen to her now I don't think I'd survive. Her job stresses me out a bit. I'm starting to just worry!

I don't know if it's the result of me getting shot myself or her getting shot or the fact I just got her back! I don't know but I can't shake the worry. It's annoying to say the least but I don't care as long as she's safe.

I miss the Swedish winters, skiing and the cold. I miss it, it's home! No Evangelia is home but the Swedish winter is familiar, safe it's a part of me. I also miss skating on nature ice with my friends playing hockey.

But like I said Evangelia is my home! There is no place I want to be at as much as being next to her!

Authors note:
Hello darlings
Just a chill, cute and sweet chapter!
Vote and comment please!

Word count m: 1045

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