Going for gold

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Gold is winning and winning is gold. I don't know what I'll do if I don't win this gold. I gave up everything for it! And I would do it again if I had too.

"Next competitive solo figure skater for Canada Evangelia Black" it's my turn

I do a couple of laps, try some jumps and then get into position. Then I hear it

"Mount Everest ain't got shit on me..." I start but not with Harrison's number... I do one myself.

About confidence,about life,about death.... I do a number that express what I feel and what I need! My specialty's are quads lutz and quad loops and I'm bling both but also I'm doing the one that has only been successfully done once in competition... I'm doing a quad axel!

The difference between me and Harrison is he believes that quads and jumps are the only way to gold... I don't! I believe that figure skating is artistry it tells a story!

The crowd claps as I'm done, I see small girls holding signs with my name. I see the look in their eyes, it's the same I had as a child. The look of admiration, it tears me up a bit.

I see the look on Harrison's eyes, he's not happy. He can no longer claim this performance as his own, which angers him because he knows that this is a winning number. My scores are high, but this is just the beginning of the scores so we'll see.

I'm packing up the house and I'm questioning my choices, but I have to stand for the decision I made and take responsibility for it. I know I'll hurt her but I'm also hurting myself and I have too live with that.

I stop packing halfway through when I realize that it's finally Lia's turn too skate. Me and both dogs sit on the couch and watch her.

It's beautiful, she's beautiful! But that's not her number, not the original one, she finally did something for herself, and I'm proud of that! My mom decided to text me and tell me how good she thought Lia was and how proud she was.

I haven't told my mom that I'm moving without Lia, she thinks that we're moving there together. And I know I can't lie forever but she'll be so disappointed in me, I can't take that right now.

Johnny calls me all of a sudden

"Hey man, she was so good it looked really fucking scary though!"

"You watched it?"

"Yeah the whole team did! Coach demanded a mandatory meeting where we snacked and watched her" oh wow

"Soooooo, how did she react?" What is he talking about


"You moving?" He says hesitantly

"Oh uh about th-" he cuts me of

"No, you didn't! Noah you didn't tell her did you?" Shit

"No, I didn't..."

"That's fucked up! That's really fucking fucked up! She's a great person, when are you telling her? When are you moving?"

"I'm moving tomorrow at 4 pm, I wasn't planning on..." he's quit for a while

"Your a good person Noah, you know the difference between right and wrong. And you are the person who always tell me when what I'm doing is wrong. But now I'm going to tell you that what you're doing is not just wrong but actually disturbing! And I know your not a person who wish anyone anything bad but this is not you and it's not right!" And he takes a break before continuing.

"She is an outstanding woman who would risk anything and everything to make sure that you are happy in life. But not only that she saved a child and adopted it because she felt bad, she does bad things but she can at least stand for them and try to make it right by doing good things too! You are not just leaving her, you are breaking her."

"Don't you think I know that, don't you think I feel bad?"

"Feeling bad doesn't make it right! Nothing you can say will make this right, she should be able too come home and celebrate the gold she just won, you're taking that away from her..."

"Wait she won?"

"Of course she did! She's Evangelia Black there's not much she can't do! And there's not much she doesn't deserve, because she deserved that, she deserved too be happy!"

I can't answer him, I know that he is right, I know that I'm a dick! But there's nothing to do know

"You know what Noah, you know I'm right and she doesn't deserve this version of you, she doesn't deserve this!" And he hangs up.

Yeah well I guess I'm continuing to pack. She won, my Angel won!

I won, Harrison's not happy but fuck him! I won and I'm fucking done with him, and skating I can finally rest! I need to tell Noah and show him the medal!

"Hello Noah! I WON!" I yell out in happiness

"Hello Angel, I'm so proud of you Lia! I really am." He say in a kind of sad tone

"Why do you sound sad? Is anything going on?" I ask him

"No! No,nothing! I'm just so proud of you and the person you are! I'm so proud of everything you have accomplished and how you've grown as a person!" Why is he sounding like this is goodbye?

"Noah seriously what's going on!"

"It's nothing angel, when will you be back?"

"Two days from now!" I'm soooo excited too see him! But what he doesn't know is that I'll actually be home tomorrow around 3 pm! I bought an earlier ticket back too surprise him.

"Hey Angel I need to go to practice, I love you! Bye"

"I love you Noah"

Why did he just hang up on me... he always make me do it because he feel bad every time. It's probably nothing.

Johnny sends me a picture of the whole team saying congratulations... but no Noah... what is going on with that man

I send a picture of me with the gold back to him. Those guys are sweet and they treat Noah right and that makes me happy. They're like a little family all of them.

I'm scared to go and be alone with coach Harrison he'll probably kill me... I did just take the gold away from him... do I feel bad? Nooo! Will I apologize? Noooo! He don't deserve an apology from me!

"Evangelia let's go" coach says as I just stare at him frightened.

"NOW" he says in a hatch way but not yelling.

As soon as we're out of the public eye I feel my body being pushed into the wall in the hallway. My head hits the wall and I still have that concussion so everything starts lightly spinning.

"You are one ungrateful whore! Do you know that? Huh, I should of known you were one of those greedy little bitches who can't settle for anything! Well guess what you're nothing without me! You're worth nothing without me! And you are mine! So you just destroyed every chance of ever succeeding again!!!!!!" he's not happy... he kicks me twice in the ribs, I can sort of feel them slowly breaking.

"We are going to have sooo much fun!" Oh hell fucking no....

Authors note:
I really think of her every time I hear Mount Everest, like I'm officially calling it her song!
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Word count: 1267

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