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I dreamt about the night he left. When I said that if he leaves there's no coming back. And here I am laying in bed next to him.
Is that betraying myself?

Isla said something the other day about 'you don't have the right to comment on the man I'm in love with when you went back to the person who broke you to pieces'

I'm not sure if she's right but I've been stuck with this for a while. I do think I get to have an opinion on Mr.David because I love her and something is of with him. Im doing it for her best, but maybe I'm not one too decide those things I don't know.

My head is pounding like shit but I got things too do! So taking about 100 aspirins and getting back to life is what I'm about to do.

I can't believe Elijah thinks Tasha is cheating I mean that women is the definition of loyal. But maybe they don't know each other enough for him too know that. Goooooood I need them to just fuck each other so they can stop being so stuck up.

Well I do hope they already have or the past two years of their life is just shit!

Noah is away with Adonis to I don't know occupy their lives with something.

Here I am once again in a car with Adonis. Lia is at home and i was too restless so I needed to do something we just don't know yet.

"Look I don't have all day to just drive around, choose something to do, before I kill myself with boredom!" He says

"I don't know what can we do?" He looks at me and scans over my clothes.

"How can you wear that? How can Evangelia be in any sort of relationship with someone who dress like that?"

"What's wrong with it? It's just sweats" he flares at me

"Yes exactly! Well you are a white rich man"

"What do you mean?" Am I supposed to be offended?

"I mean that you get peoples respect by walking into a room! You're privileged." Well I guess so.

"You should buy new clothes so you don't look homeless" rude!

"Thank you!" I say sarcastically

"you're welcome" how did I not see that coming. The worst part is that he is serious.

"I'm not going shopping! I hate it" he looks at my clothes again.

"Yeah I can see that" well,wow, okay then!
Then he stops at the mall, I feel like I have no choice in this. Adonis is taking me shopping... I don't know how to even comprehend this situation.... Wtf....

It's been two hours and I think I'm going to die. I can't feel my legs, arms of my body. I don't know if I'm alive!

"Adonis this is torture!"

"Drama queen" he mutters quietly.

Does he hate me? I think so! You would only do this to someone you hated with your entire life!

"Can we go home?!?"

"Yes I'm leaving you at your home because if I hear you whine for one more second I will cut your tongue off!" Yeeeeeeees thank god!

"Thanks! Appreciate you too man!" I like getting on his nerves. I know he hates when I comment like that and especially when I call him 'man'
I think he might actually kill me in the next two seconds. But I've not been this excited to come home in a long time!

Oh and to come home to my beautiful woman. I love life a little too much right this second.

"Let's go daydreaming beauty" and now I don't love my life anymore.
Was that a twist on sleeping beauty...
I don't even know how to-.... I'm just leaving it there.

Of course he is staying with me at home until Evangelia arrive. I didn't even know she was leaving home today. But I mean she works 25/8 so of course she would.

Elijah walk in.

"Where is Evangelia?"

"Don't know" me and Adonis say in sync. We both give each other a look. Mine is more 'huh we were in sync' in a funny way. His was more just 'shut up' you know.

"You are just waiting for her to get back?" I nod and Adonis answer with a 'yes'

"Well then I can wait with you, I need to speak with her." Great the trio is just balling. Me, Adonis and Elijah. Aka the normal human, the assassin and the mafia Boss... yay

No one speaks, not a word. No one is on their phone no one is breathing to heavily. We are just sitting... awkwardly. I think I might commit internal suicide.

Here I am with Adonis and Noah. It's silent. I prefer silence, but something tells me that Noah will start rambling in an always manner. He's not like me and Adonis he's... normal. Does net have to be bad but you know.

"So why are you here to talk with Lia?" Lia? Strange Nick name...


He hums in a awkward way at my response. I'm not a chatter, I don't really believe in small talk. It's unnecessary and completely un amusing.

I get a text with video surveillance... what the fuck is that?

It's a video of someone walking into a police station. I recognize that face....

"Adonis who the is that?" I ask thinking he knows who it is.

"No I don't- I know who but I can't put a name on the face!" Suddenly Noah is standing beside me. Looking at the picture.

"What are we looking at?"

"The mole"

"It can't be! He can't be the mole!" Who is he talking about!

He notice that me and Adonis are staring at him with a death stare. Waiting for the answer.

"No it just can't be! There's no way, no fucking way! He would never, ever, ever betray Evangelia like that! Never!"

"JUST TELL US WHO THE HELL IT IS!" I yell. I'm an impatient man...

"That's- that's Jason..." something inside Adonis eyes just clicked together. How could I not see it. Jason... but really? Jason? I don't know about that... well the evidence say so.

"What's going on in here?" Evangelia ask. We must not have noticed her entering the room...

Who's gonna tell her....

Do you guys really believe it's Jason? He has a family and all, is he willing to risk that? Or is this his way out of this life for his family?

Word count: 1096

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