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7 years ago:

"Adonis I need some help" mitchko had ruined my face today. It hurt, it really hurt

"Ahhhh belissima, I'll get something to clean you up with!" And he go to pick up some rubbing alcohol.

He's a guard here, but he only does it because mitchko will kill his family if he doesn't. He's 16 just like Tasha. He helps us out when we get beaten up. If I ever get out I owe him, because he'll be the only reason I get the chance too leave.

Present day:
"How is Nonna?" I ask Adonis

"She's better, the cancer is gone so that's good!"

"That makes me happy, send her my love!"

Just like I had predicted when I was 12 Adonis is the reason I got out. The first thing I did was protect his family. The only reason Adonis couldn't leave himself was that mitchko threatened to kill his family.

I made Gio take them into protection once I got out of there. So that Adonis could leave! I owed him everything for saving my life.

"Thank you for taking care of the medical treatment" he adds

"Never thank me for such things Adonis we are family!" We really are, he's like a brother.

"grazie bella!" I just smile at him.

He's Greek but I don't speak Greek, so we all ways just communicate in Italian.

"It's good that you made an effort to speak with him. He might be a dick but at least he's trying" I look him in the eyes and just breath for a second

"I know, he's not a bad guy he just makes bad decisions. I'm not protecting him or speaking in his favor but he really don't mean anyone any harm" and that's the truth, he doesn't.

"I can see that in his eyes, he have kind eyes" magical eyes...

"That he has" I say letting out a small laugh.

"So are we going to talk about Isla?" Now that's a topic I'm genuinely avoiding.

"What bout her?" I say pretending to be stupid

"My source from inside the Albanian told me everything."

"Well then there's nothing to talk about!" There's a lot to talk about...

"We both know that is not true" yep totally do!

"Not now please" he just nods.

I decided to go on a walk in Paris, just me. Thinking and just walking is just calming. I miss Sasha and I miss Marly too! Music is my peace, it always have been. Well no figure skating was my peace. Now it's more like a war zone every time I step on that ice.

But I do miss the cold air and the slight pain in your ankles when you get of the ice skates. It's the pain that goes away by just turning your foot around of walking. But it's like a relief pain. I miss that and the challenge of getting on all of those stupid pre romance dresses. Well their not stupid but their a fucking bitch to get on!

My Olympics one was the best I've ever had! Black and gold with black glitter and diamond's. It was that song in a dress, rough and a little dark but confident and just stunning. It's still in Canada. All my things from the apartment is in the safe house.

Well not a safe house anymore Since the enemy lives there you know. Yea Isla is the enemy, she choose to be. She knew, and she still choose to be. No one forced her, or made her do that! So she is not family anymore, she's the enemy.

And I sounds hatch but it's the only way to survive this world. You can't be afraid to cut people out! It's a part of life and it makes you grow. It's hard and it feels shitty as hell but it's life. She had her time to give me a reason for her choice and now I don't care! Not even if she has good intentions then you tell me! Don't lie to me ever.

It's the same for Noah, I can't cut Isla out for lying or just doing the worst thing she could. And not so that too Noah, because frankly his is still worse. I'm not stupid she might be doing this for some heroic reason like bringing them down. But I can't just assume that and then that not being the reason! That would be even more stupid.

I stop at a park and sit on the bench and just dream about that goddamn farm house. Two fucking years and it's still something I see In my dreams with children and sunshine. It's something that makes me smile when I feel like the world is ending! It's fucking frustrating! I don't need that, I need peace inner peace.

Well it's what I want, I don't actually know if it's what I need. I don't really know what I would do with my life if it was just peace and quite. I need chaos and screaming, I live off of stress! My heart is probably at it's ending because of all the stress, but I love it! I live for it so it's worth it.

But still that house and that life gives me inner peace for a second! I'm not sure it's a good thing... because it's probably never going to happen.... Even if I want it to, it can't.

I start to walk back home and I just feel like my life is not life. I can't explain it but I don't feel alive, I feel like I'm just walking and talking, fighting and grieving but I'm not living!

I can't shake the feeling like something's just missing, nothing feels like home and I just feel empty. Just pure cold and emptiness, a feeling I can't explain. Like something is about to happen and nothing good.

I see Noah at the corner of my eye, big and Adonis. I can't comprehend it for a couple of seconds until I really see them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I say staring at them until I hear something

They start answering my question but I can't hear what they are saying! I localize a car driving extremely fast, all blacked out and no plates. FUCK!

Then it suddenly quiets down, people start screaming and running.

A gun shot....

One more...

My mind goes silent

Complete and utter silence....

Authors note:
Cliffhanger! I think it's like my thing or something! I mean don't y'all love a good cliffhanger... you guys probably hate it.... Sorry hehe

Word count: 1099

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