Consent... (Evangelia)

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I wake up by my phone. It's ringing

"Isla is everything okay????" I quickly sit up, accidentally waking Noah up...

"Yea I'm just bored..." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Well how about me and Noah get back to the house?" I ask her

"Yes please! What have y'all been talking about you've been gone for 9 hours!" 9 hours... we finished our... fun 3 hours ago... 6 hours of sex???

"We lost track of time" that's a safe answer right?

"Boring I was hoping to hear all the slutty details! I guess you're boring huh." Noah takes the phone.

"I promise we were not boring, and she has details to spill." I take the phone back!

"Yeah details like how small his dick is" I say with a smirk

"So you want me to put it back in so you can feel just about how small it is..." he whispers

"We'll be there in 10 bye be careful!" I tell her

"Get dressed we have to leave!" I order him
He gather out clothes and start getting dressed. My legs are killlllllling me. My balance is just wack and Noah takes notice to it.

"Here Angel let me help you!" I stare at him

"Yea you're the cause to the problem of course you'll help" I tell him. He helps me get to the car and insist on driving. So I let him one because I'm a kind ass fucking person, two my legs aren't working properly and I don't really have time to die right now.

We drive up tot he house and isla meets us at the front.

"Finally! It's so fucking boring out here!" She takes a pause and watch us "oh how much sex did you have, you can't walk Angie! Is he that good I mean what???"

"I fucking know it's annoying ass hell. My legs are hurting so fucking bad!"

"I'm standing right here" Noah adds, we both look at him and then back at each other. Well let's do this!

"Noah this is Isla, Isla this is Noah! Now that we've done that let's go in shall we!" I then turn to her and add "I told you to not fucking walk out the house! What is your problem Isla!"

"I was bored what did you want me to do? Fuck Jason?" Awkward silence

"For one I don't care if your bored, if you don't listen you will be killed! This is fucking serious shit! And two please tell me you didn't?!?"

"Of course I didn't I sigh out in relief. Thank god!
We all hang out until we're tired and just go to bed.

"Have you eaten at all today?" I sky on his chest and draw with my finger.

"No" he sighs

"Lia you have to eat!" I continue drawing.

"I know I'm sorry..."

"I know you are... where did these come from?" He says while dragging his hand over my back... the scars.

"A long time ago, it doesn't matter right now! All that matters is that you're here with me now!" I kiss his chest and we both decide to sleep.
———— next morning
Noah is on the front porch drinking his coffee and me and Isla sit inside and talk.

"Question, does a guy have to ask for consent every time he wants to have sex with you, during the same intercourse and even if your in a relationship?" I ask Isla

"Yes it's the law!" She laughs a little after saying that.  No it can't be... did he manipulate me... Zach... no he wouldn't! Would he?

"You know all about the laws and regulations why are you asking me? Did Noah do something???" She asks me

"No, no absolutely not! It's exactly what he did I just ehm, wondered" she looks at me funky

"Has anyone ever told you different?" She adds

"No it's just... are you sure that's the law?"

"Angie what are you not telling me?"

"Nothing it was just a question!" I stand up and start slightly screaming

"Angie what the fuck! Has anyone ever told you different???" She asks again

"NO!" I scream back

"Then why ask that in such context and with those follow ups? Was it an ex? Zach?"

"It was fucking no one okay!" I walk out toward the door and scream "it was just a fucking question" before slamming it behind me.

"Don't slam the door in my fucking face, and stop fucking lying Angie!"

"I'm not lying I just asked a question and you started implying things!" I yell back

"What's going on" Noah says

"Your girlfriend is a fucking Liar! Now tell me who it was!"

"First don't ducking call me a liar second I didn't ask for me okay! Maybe it was for a friend?!?" That was a shit lie...

"Angie you don't fucking have friends besides me, and we other know that if Grace were to ask you such thing you'd kill the persons responsible!!!" She gets closer to me

"Tell me who it is NOW!" I just stare at her

"I don't know what your talking about." I say calmly.
We stare into each others eyes with a five centimeter distance.

"Can someone tell me what's going on please?" Noah asks

"Yes if it's not about you, tell him Angie!" She says

"No I cant..."

"Because you can't lie to him like you just did to me?"

"....yes" I look down at the ground.

"Now tell me who did it so I can kill them!" She says

"It's not worth it Isla, it really isn't." I walk away.

I just feel so dirty right now... so fucking dirty.

Zachary, I never wanted sex with him, he was my first... but I didn't want it, he told me that it's my obligation as his girlfriend... apparently it wasn't...

Authors note:
A heavy chapter, poor Angie!
Hope it wasn't to rough in you all! This one was shorter... sorry it was just a little hard to write.
Word count: 1004

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