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I'm in the car with her, finally she's close to me! I've been searching for her for a week now and finally I'm here with her. Well with her, Adonis and Charlie.

She looks gorgeous but she's also so small. Physically small, it pains me a lot! But even like this she's the most gorgeous woman on earth.
I can't stop looking at her and I realize what a creep I look like.

"So-" I try to start conversation.

"No" she interrupts me with.

Okay then... silence, we'll Adonis and Charlie are having fun. But other than that, silence! Complete utter silence, it's killing me!

"Please Angel-"

"DON'T call me that ever again!" Okay then, still some conversation well more like yelling...

"Can I call you Angel?" Charlie asks

"Honey you can say whatever you want!" She answers knowing how much that bugged me!

"So why can't he?" He asks her.

"Because only my friends and family get to give me nicknames" she says, ouch neither friend nor family.... That's not a chock though.

"why is he not your friend then?" Charlie continues asking her.

"Because friends will never be mean to each other" and then Charlie muttered 'if he is mean to you I don't like him' quietly. Fun now it's not just her hating me in this car but also a two year old... Johnny's two year old! Weird as fuck if you ask me!

I'm driving to their hotel, I asked Adonis where they stayed and I don't want to be surrounded by them longer then I have to so I'm dropping them off.

Noah is starting to recognize our surroundings , I notice it on the way he is looking around at every corner.

God, I can't say I haven't missed his eyes and his smile. But he's not good for me, not anymore! And I have a fucking war to begin. Elijah has expressed how he won't get in the middle of this war that is about to start between me and Isla. And I won't make Natasha take a side, that would be disgusting behavior of me. Also because I know she would choose my side.

Isla literally created an alliance with the two worst mafias of all, in relation to me and Natasha.

7 months ago.

"Ms. Black you have a visitor" what? Who could it be. In walks Jason, what the fuck.

"What are you doing in France Jason?"

"Have you talked to Isla Russo in the past few days?"

"Yes I spoke to her 15 minutes ago why?" He lets out a shaky breath, like he's scared to tell me something.

"she has just hound a new alliance three days ago..." what, why wouldn't she tell me?

"With who?"

"Albanian and Irish..." WHAT?!?

"No way! She would never do that! NEVER!"

"She did..."

I call her in my office phone.




"Hello Bella!"

"Tell me you didn't?" I say in a broken voice.

"Angie I- I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry it's a lot of money and it was a ducking good deal, I had too!"

"After ALL they put me and Natasha through! You should be fucking ashamed of yourself!" I say and hang up. A tear slips from my eyes.

When me and Natasha was captive it wasn't just Elijah's uncle who destroyed us it was them all, the Albanian most but also Irish. This is unbelievable! How the fuck could she do this to us! For me this is worse than anything Noah could ever do!

I quickly phone Natasha and tell her about it, she broke down on the phone. The whole thing was worse for her because she was born into it, they created the assassin she is today in the worst ways possible! I got out but she was still stuck for a while and had to take the beatings for me getting out.

Elijah never ever agreed on his uncle's methods and created his own mafia. When his uncle was killed by me he collided then and created the most powerful one in the history of the world.

He lashed out when he heard Natasha crying and she quickly pretended like nothing. When I told him about it he said there was nothing he could do. He doesn't know... that Natasha was his uncles. Well not like I'm the 'she belongs to him' but we both did literally belong to him at times.

But me and Natasha are in utter shock of what the fuck Isla just did. After everything, Natasha told me she can't get involved in the war because Elijah would eventually find out. And she's still not convinced that he cares and that he will see her as a weak person or something.

Present time:
I just dropped everyone off. Its just me now, time to plan a war.

I get to the headquarters and start balling ideas with my chiefs in command. I'm ready to risk my life to break this alliance for Natasha. I will do everything in my power to break it, and I mean EVERYTHING! I don't care who's blood will be on my hands, they need to pay!

I can't fight against Angie, she in her own would take us all out! And I know I'm in a powerful alliance but nothing will stop her. She would kill me with her own bare hands if she needed to . Without blinking twice!

I can't compete against that, but what she doesn't know is that this alliance is to bring both mafias down. David my right hand man created this plan and I can't tell Angie about it. I know she won't talk but it's better if she doesn't know. It'll be easier, I just need to stalk the war until I've infiltrated the Albanian and Irish good. And I need to take them down, her pushy ways is not helping me it's stressing me like fucking hell.

"Hey darling you have a meeting with the Albanians in 20 minutes" David says... did I forget to mention I'm kinda in love with him... we haven't talked about it, David is British and he always calls me darling, honey or love. It's fucking hot!

"Yeah I'll be ready!"

"Good! You look stunning love, I'll see you later!" He says

"Thank you David, I'll see you soon" he came into my life quickly but knows so much about this business and has helped me thrive a lot.

Authors note:
Do you guys like when I put in like Islas pov or you know others than Noah and Evangelia?

Vote and comment please!

Word count: 1113

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