The plan part 2 (Evangelia + Noah)

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I Walked away from Shawn and into the room with Jason and the task force.

"Listen up!" They continue talking

"SHUT UP BEFORE I SHOOT YOU ALL IN THE FACE!" Well that worked better than I thought.

"Now if I ever walk into a room and tell you to listen you fucking listen! And if you don't,  I will destroy your lives, careers and make sure you never ever talk again..." they all just stand straight and look right at me like their lives hang on it. Well it kinda does...

"This is what's gonna happen! I will enter and get a hostage out alone, if anyone, and I mean anyone enter under any circumstance I will shot you on the spot! It is to dangerous for all of you to enter without the group! No entering until Jason gets the clear mark-." I get interrupted... does he want to die?

"What if you were to be injured or.. killed?"

"Interrupt me again and I will kill you! Whatever happens you don't enter until Jason get a clearance"

"How will he know?"

"That's none of your concerns he will! Dead or alive he will either see me walk out or walk over my body but he and all of you will not know until you get a clear. UNDERSTOOD!" God what is wrong with all of these idiots!

"Yeah!" Jason starts laughing at his response until i give him the look...

"What did you say?" I say as He starts looking confused

"What I'm sorry- i- i" he says

"I am your superior officer and I should receive the respect of one! Do you have a problem with it? Because it sounds you're either a misogynistic man or a straight out idiotic man... choose!"

"Idiot ma'am... I'm a straight out idiotic man" he gulps after saying it.

"Good choice, now does everybody understand?" I hear 'yes' in sync. Good cause it's fucking show time!

We arrived at the office and suddenly Shawn walks in.

"This woman has a fucking death wish or something" Shawn says

"What the fuck are you doing here Shawn, you're supposed to be assisting Angie!" Steve responses with

"Yeah well the place doesn't have any internet or any type of connection it's dead and she thinks it's too fucking risky for me to hide in the woods nearby so I can assist her! So she sent me here to watch the cameras from my computer so she can have an evaluation of what she did wrong!" Shawn answers

"Why the fuck would she want an evaluation?" Steve adds

"How the fuck should I know? But something else is wrong because her mind is clouded. She's everywhere, yelling at everyone and you can see in her eyes that she's yelling at herself" Shawn continues

"Well she did let Isla get kidnapped while being in the same house I would be yelling at myself for that too..." I added and they all stare at me like I'm an idiot

"You should just sit down and shout up! You don't understand how this stuff works!" They both just bark back at me...

"Then please enlighten me cause I'm freaking out!"

"This type of kidnappers are elite they practice on it they get trained to do it. We all have that training too, except Shawn... but still. These people are like I said elite! She's not mad that they could take her, she's mad that they could find her. Then taking her could have happened anywhere, but how the fuck did they find her!" I didn't think about that! How did they find her?

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