Fainting (Noah + Evanhelia)

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We do our number and she feels so light in the air, it got me worried how light she was. Has she eaten since we were out? She didn't even eat then...

I walk out towards the ice to check up on her, she's skating. Just as beautifully as always, all those spins and jumps. She looks like she's loosing balance... she just Fucking collapsed on the ice!!!

"Lia please wake up, please! I really fucking need you to wake up! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" I scream I don't have my fucking phone.

"Evangelia wake up! Wake the fuck up!!! Please! I need you, so don't leave me here!"

"What the fuck is going on???" Johnny asks while seeing me on the ice.


The ambulance is here, they're taking her. But I can't go with because apparently only fucking family can.  So Johnny drives me to the hospital in my car, cause apparently I'm to riled up to so it myself.

I wake up in an ambulance and they start asking me all these stupid questions. I tell them I'm fine, but  they don't listen.

We arrive at the hospital and they do like a hundred different tests to find an answer and then someone burst through the door.

"Are your okay? What the hell happened?" It's Noah sweet Noah.

"I just fainted and everyone is exaggerating, and I'm fine! Thank you for asking" he looks at me... and looks at me... blinks... and just look at me again.

"Yeah I wanna know what happened from a doctor because your clearly lying" he gets interrupted

"Well good thing I'm here" the doctor said
"So I now that you know what's wrong but my job is to tell you. When was the last time you ate a full meal?" He stares, Noah stares I stare. Fuck I wanna go home to Sasha right now!

"A full meal Six days, since I've eaten at all four." I say with a straight cold face acting like saying it doesn't affect me at all.

"Well you do realize what speech I have to give you now."

"Yes I've heard it multiple times before." I can feel his stare. It makes me sad knowing that he knows.

"Yea I can see that on your chart, a long with a long series of injury's"

He gives the speech and brochures on treatments. And he walked out.

"Lia... why?" I can't look at him

"Don't please I just wanna leave and go home, I don't want to talk about it!" I say while getting up

"Please know that you can talk to me! I know we've only known each other for a little over a month. But please talk to me about anything if you want to."

"Yeah sure!" And I walk out with him behind and Johnny too.

I get home to my darling love Sasha! Oh I love her. She quickly understands that something's up. And just cuddles with me the whole night.

I wake up and decide that I'm gonna go to the boys practice. I need something to crowd my mind with and I have to talk to Noah.

I put on a long sleeve, long black fight dress. With my basic gold jewelry and my favorite YSL heals. Then I choose my black Birkín 35 black crocodile with gold hardware. And lastly my read coat with fur on the end of the sleeves.

Fuck I knew it, deep inside I knew all along! Why didn't I trust my gut huh! I'm an idiot.

It's the next day and I haven't heard or seen her. We're at practice and the guys ask what happened with her. I guess Johnny told the story, I don't answer. She wouldn't want me too.

After the practice Johnny takes me out in the isle between the locker rooms and the ice.

"Talk to me what's going on?" He asks

"I'm worried I'm fucking worried about her, i need her to be fine! But I know she's not and it makes me so sad that I can't even process it!"

"Why do you care about her so much?" He asks...

"She's so amazing, and talented and just gorgeous! I've never seen a woman so beautiful before. And her fiesty personality and sarcastic attitude! The most amazing person I've witnessed, so young and a business owner. And she's just fucking amazing!"

"Oh dear Noah, I know!"

And that's when my heart stops! She fucking heard that. Oh no...

My heart melted but I can't show him that! I can't fall for him okay I'm already starting to but I have to stop!

He's embarrassed... Johnny sneakily try to get back.

"Hey how are you doing?" He switched subject smart

"I'm doing great thank you! And you?" I stare

"Don't lie to me please!" He says in a broken tone.

"Noah I'm fine I promise okay. It was just a small mistake." He looked angry after I said that.

"A mistake Evangelia you collapsed on the ice, you hadn't eaten in six days, SIX DAYS! That's not a mistake. And I'm not mad at you but don't call that a mistake!" I look at him.

"you know that you don't always have too be alone, you deserve to feel seen and loved and you know have someone to talk to, someone to trust" he gives me those puppy eyes while waiting for my answer. But truth is i don't know what to say. I have nick and sasha but we only see eachother on competitions.

"Are you only saying that because you want to be that person? or because you actually mean it" he lets out a small chuckle an says "i mean it and i wouldn't mind being that person either. what is it they say in that show you talked about... i could be your person"

"Noah... you don't want to be with me, I'm complicated and I'm broken! You don't want that!" I look at him with slightly watery eyes.

"Please let me decide that, I'm not saying we should be together I'm saying give me a chance to prove that he could!" God I really wanna say yes...

Authors note:
Cliff hanger, now you all hate me yay. I have to make you feel hatred for me at least 3 times in the book. That's how I know it's good:)
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Word count: 1078

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