Adonis Black

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The first thing I do is look for Noah, god I can't help it! And I can't fucking find him!!! Not Adonis either! FUUUUUCK!

I'm bleeding and I don't fucking care! I was probably hit too I don't know! I can't fucking remember being hit!

I call the office to get them started on a search, FUCKING HELL WHAT THE FUCK! HOW THE FUCK CAN THIS HAPPEN WHILE IM FUCKING HERE?!?

Who ever fucking did this will be fucking dead in the next 24 fucking hours!!!!!

I start searching the near by area myself! While a team is working on finding out who's responsible, another team is searching for Noah and Adonis. And a third is on its way here for 1. Protection 2. Missing people search.

They are not dying in my watch, either of them! FUCK!

No, no fucking death! No one else is dying on me! Not now not ever! I'm the next to go!


Adonis must have taken Noah to hide, so if they were hit they will be bleeding out somewhere hidden. Well that gives me zero hope what so ever.



Oh no

No, no


"No, no Noah, Adonis, wake the fuck up! No, no don't do this to me!"


I'm in a meeting with the Albanian boss and something is off, way off. Have I been made? Nooo then I'd be dead already!

What is going on?

"I have good news" he says, we'll okay then?


"We have eliminated the target" ?!???

"What target?"

He stares, intensely...

"Oh I forgot to tell you! Hahah yes darling our biggest threat is Ms.Evangelia Black! So we want to hurt her yes. So I killed her lover and guard! She needs pain" what?

"What are you talking about?" I say while glancing over at David

"Yes Adonis and Noah. They are dead" oh no...

I walk out the room, what the fuck! I don't, I can't, WHAT? just like that!

David enter the room too, he steps closer to hold me. And there we are standing in some closet thing and he holds me, while I'm standing here. Partially at fault for killing the love of her life and her only family. I mean yea me and Tasha sure but Adonis is different!

"No, I'm a part of an alliance with the man who killed the two most important people in Angie's life! And not just those two but also Nathan, who was like her little brother or even a son to her!"

"You didn't pull the trigger Isla!"

"No but I might as well have!" I walk out the room and enter the office room.

I take out my gun and just shoot them.

I shot them

I started a fucking war

That half empty was I felt earlier is suddenly just full with darkness. It's not just empty it's cold.

I'm sitting here in this cold room filled with anxiety and sadness. A hospital waiting room... and empty one... well me plus four guards.

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