White horse

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We arrive at some farm until I realize.

There is already a car here so I guess that's Tasha and Elijah.

"This was my wedding present to him and you, he got it right before the ceremony" he says while the two of us sit in the turned off car.
I don't answer him, I just walk out of the car in my blood soaked wedding dress.

As I get closer I see everyone inside of the house. I can't bare to go inside. With all the pity looks and concerned faces. So I walk past the entrance and into the farm land.

"Angie where are you going?" Adonis yell after me

"It's not safe!" He says right after

I just continue walking. When he opens the door him and Tasha starts talking about me. I know that everything is a fucking shit show. I know that it's fucking stupid too just walk out here on open land. But if this wasn't a safe place they wouldn't have brought me here.

Plus I wouldn't mind being shot in the head right now...

I walk into the horse park. He even got the Animals with the house.

Noah wanted a white horse, fully white one. He says it looks like one of those fairytale horses. And he walks right up to me. He's skeptical at first but then I get too pet him. I run my hand by his nose and then I sit down on the grass.

My legs can't stand anymore. I start crying. I'm sitting by a fucking horse crying while there are a lot of people inside my house watching my every step.

But I can't, I can't go in there and meet Mia and Helena. I can't see all of their pitying and all their grief. Just for a moment I need too sit here and drown in sorrow so that I can stand up and kill some people.

The worst part is that I'm still sitting in the dress that was going too promise us forever.

And now there is no more forever...

After a while the horse laid down next too me and I rested my head against him. The rain started pouring down and the thunder lit up the sky.

"Angie you're gonna get sick, come in and get changed please!" Isla yell

I couldn't fucking care less if I get sick, i know they're just caring and all that. I just, I don't know! I don't know anything!

This was supposed to be the best day of my life of our life. This was supposed too be the start of us. Make it real, make it last. I just don't know what the hell I am supposed too do.

All I wanted was peace with him, a family, our farm. Im sitting here at this farm but it's not mine, it's not home! Home is him, this can't be home without him. It was supposed too be ours, our home too raise children and do farm things.

I fell asleep next to the horse, I named him Nathan.

"What are we supposed too do?"

"We can't leave her here!"

She doesn't want us right now! We need to respect that"

I've been awake for 10 minutes but they're all just blabbing trying too decide for me how I should grieve and act and what too do! It's starting to get on my nerves.

Suddenly heavy steps join the group

"Let her be for fucks sake! She's grieving don't stand here fucking hovering over her body, she'll go in when she fucking wants to"

Thank you Elijah

They all leave and he stays behind for a second

"I know your awake just" he pauses "just call for me if you want anything"

He starts walking away before I answer him

"Who knew you were a big softie at heart" I say with a light voice as I haven't spoken in hours.

"No one would ever believe you if you told them" a small laugh leaves my lips

"That is true, thank you"

"Don't thank me like you wouldn't have done the same" he says and continue walking.

"Is his body left there?" I ask while rising up

"It hasn't been safe too go back. If one of us were to go there they can't come back here, it's too risky" he answers and look at me.

"I need you to go there and get his body back Elijah and I need to go with! We need too bury him, he deserves peace"

"I can't take you with me if I were to go"

"I need too, please Elijah I need too" he looks hesitant

"They would kill me" he says

"Like you've ever cared?" Now he laughs a little at what I said

"Yes, but if my wife strangers me in my sleep it'll be your fault!"

"Yes, yea it will. Not let's get the fuck out of here" I say and start walking too the car

Halfway there I notice he hasn't moved a centimeter so I stop and turn around. I give him a face and he seems unbothered. So I walk back with heavy angry steps

"If you don't get your fucking ass into that goddamn car in the next seconds I will shoot you!" I say and grab the gun from under my dress.
He smirks and start walking.

"I needed too get out that feisty side of yours if we're going there."

"Or do you just live getting on my nerves?"

"Isn't that the same thing?" He asks back

We get into the car and I see Tasha getting out on the porch. Elijah and I looked at each other and had the mutual understanding that if we don't drive now we'll both die within the next 10 seconds.

"You should have changed" he says

"Sorry that my grieving isn't convenient for you"

"No I just meant that it looks uncomfortable"


It feels weird with a kind Elijah, yea he has had his moments before but this is more genuine.

I like that, it means he can be like this with Tasha too.

We arrive there.

"You ready?"

I nod in response and walk in.



But no Noah....

Authors note:
Hey my love birds. I understand that you hate me, I would too. But what is done cannot be undone.❤️
Word count 1068

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