The bathroom (Evagelia + Noah -TW-)

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God what is taking so long it's been 10 minutes.
Johnny asked "how long can it take, maybe she's fixing her makeup?"

"Maybe, or they needed her help for something work related?" I answer

"Or maybe she's fighting one more spoilt brat" he says

"Yeah that was crazy I had no idea she could do that. With such ease and in heals I mean come on that's cool!" I tell him all exited!

"Yeah I mean I don't really understand how someone can walk in those things! And now I just witnessed someone beat the shot out of a double the size man in them!"he says in he same exited voice

"She is special... Evangelia I assume your speaking of" the Jason guy says

"She's one of a kind in good and bad ways." He quickly adds

"If I'm honest I don't see anything bad about her!" I add soon after

"Everyone has a bad side wether you want them to or not. Evangelia does to, a side you never want to se. I believe you both se her as a cold and robot type of person, you do not want to see her actually being cold and robot like! " he says

"Oh she yells at us all the time at practice" Jason looks at Johnny as he said it and laughs he mumbles something I don't really hear but I think he said something like 'lord don't let any of them break her, they're to fragile' but hey I might have heard it wrong

"So where exactly is she?" He asks us

"Uh she went to the toilet about 10 to 15 minutes ago" I answer, he looks at me weird

"10 to 15 minutes? Weird, have you tried calling her?" He asked

"Neither of us have her number...."

"I'll call her" and he tries to, but she doesn't answer. "Okay that weird really fucking weird" he says after trying three times.

Where the hell is she?

I hear my phone ringing as I find myself laying on the floor of the bathroom. Shit I fainted, fuck I'm really fucking hungry, and I feel like I'm going to vomit. All three things crowding my mind at the same time.

Oh no Jason has called me 16 times, I alway answer ALWAYS! He knows something is wrong...

"Hey sorry I left my phone in the office so had to pick it up" I say right after answering him.

"Angie, we both know that's not true!" He's not mad at least other wise he wouldn't have said Angie. He's the only one whom I have allowed to have one on me.

"I'll be there now okay, nothings wrong I promise!" Lie, big fucking lie! Yea I know it's selfish to starve myself and I know it's selfish to lie! But I can't tell the truth, I just can't!

I get back to the boys and quickly come up with a story, trying to just make them believe me so we can leave. Once I have convinced Johnny and Noah I'm pleased, I know Jason's not gonna by it. But he doesn't have to as long as I can just leave and go shopping.

Retail therapy really is the shit. In the car the guys put on some Taylor swift, I'm not really a big swiftie but who doesn't like a little Taylor? I mean She's Taylor! Well after about 10 minutes we reach the first stop of the day... Hermés.

I walk in and is greeted by some new employee. I know every sales associate here because I actually own a share of the company and I always come shopping in this particular one.

"Well hello what can I help you with today?" She says in a slight bitchy tone... I don't know if I'm tired and overthinking or if she's just profiling me based on the way I'm dressed and how tired I look.

"Hi I'm looking for Monique she's supposed to be in today!" I say with just my plain straight face.

"Let's not bother the manager shall we, she has more important things to do, I think I can handle you" this time she's talking to me like I'm actual trash. I really fkn don't have time for this!

"Sweetheart time is money and I'm not wasting that on you! So I suggest you get her!" I say starting to get angry. Monique walk out of her office and see me.

"Oh Evangelia, so good to see you! I see you've met our most recent employee Jessica! Jessica this is Evangelia our biggest customer and share owner of the company" Jessica's face turns red in both embarrassment and anger. I flash a smile....

Noah and Johnny are sitting in a sofa almost sleeping, how can you possibly sleep in an Hermés store? This is pure heaven! I quickly make my purchases. Bracelets, shoes, Birkín and a scarf. So we can leave.

"What do you guys want to do?" I ask

"I'm really hungry", "yeah me to!"

"Well then, to a restaurant!" I say, I start wondering whether I should eat or not, I can't risk fainting again! But I also can't risk gaining weight... well a salad I guess is in the menu for me!

Something up with her! The story about forgetting her phone and having to search for it? No both me and Johnny saw her holding her phone before walking away. Either she's lying or really demented and couldn't remember holding it. I mean we've all done that one or two times, but not for 30 minutes. So I'm going for the first one, she's not telling the truth and I wonder why?

Her energy was lower and she really looked more tired when coming back! We arrive at some nice restaurant, me and Johnny orders the same stake. While Lia orders a kale salad, that's not normal right?

"Really that sounded so boring" Johnny says right after the server left.

"Yea you know when your going to be competing in the Olympics you have to be in your best shape!" She says back. A but defensive and not in the 'mind your own business way' more like the 'that's not really true" type of way. Maybe I'm just overthinking I mean I'm good at that. I feel like I can't trust my mind or my gut right now. I just want to know that everything is okay with her!

Here's the food arrives and we start eating and talking, she's not much for small talk. But me and Johnny squeeze some answers out of her. And have a nice time.
Until she gets a call and leaves the table for a second, when she gets back she just sits there with a straight face. No eating or drinking and barely, barely talking.

Authors note:
Something really is weird, who was calling her? And what did they say?
Word count: 1160

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