So called family (Evangelia)

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"I want you to meet someone" Isla tells me all excited.

"Okay?" I answer

"Her name is Natasha Aliova and she is a friend of mine!"  She's a Russian assassin... I know her! We did a couple missions together a while back. I like her.

"Yeah I know her! When will she be here?" I ask

"One day..." she planned this before telling me... of course she did!

Natasha is a gorgeous girl! 5'4, slightly tanned. I think I remember her father being Albanian and mother Russian but she's born and raised in Russia. She has dyed her hair a cherry coke red... it's sexy like if I was gay... she'd be my type! Not joking she really fucking would.

"I'm looking forward to seeing her again!" I tell Isla as she just squeals in excitement. Cute

She's badass, she ruins empires and destroys mafias like it's a piece of cake. And she's like me does it all in heels. We bonded over having the same dream shoes but then not being made anymore...
so we broke into a rich bitch house and took a pair then we lost them... yeah I call that proof of karmas work.

"It's time for our duo to grow a little!" Isla says

"What do you mean I think we're perfect like we are right now!"

"I just think it's time for you to actually get friends that isn't me and Sasha..."

"Sasha's my dog not my friend.. well she's both! And I do have other friends like... Johnny! And Jason and  Nathan, Noah and last but not least Nick!"

"You really like J and N named people..."

"That's all you gathered from that statement?"

"Yep! Now tell me do you have any friends besides those?"

"Well I used to be friends with a girl a while ago but her duty's got in the way..." I told her

"What was her duty's?" She asked

"Well she's a princess!"

"Ahhahahahahahahhahahaha was that supposed to be a joke?" She asks

"No... she really is! We keep in touch now and then but that's kinda it. I feel bad for her though! The girl isn't even close to getting the throne. yet she has to follow all those hideous rules." I say thinking about how bizarre it is

She's a literal puppet of the government yet she gains nothing from it! She can't marry whoever, she can't do whatever. It's like she has to ask for permission to breath.

"I want to meet her! We could become a group of 4 people!!!!" She really do want a big friend group

"Let's start with Natasha!" I tell her... she gets disappointed.

I've never been fond of the big friend group thing. But who knows I think actually all four would like each other. But please I can't destroy her life by her just being friends with me!

Imagine the paparazzi finding out she's friends with one top Russian / Albanian assassin, and Italian mafia boss (well soon at least) and a Persian serial killer/ assassin... yeah that would not look good at all!

That trio does sound good though! I mean badass to say the least, a redhead Russian assassin, one blonde Italian mafia boss and a black haired killer. It's like the ultimate hair color trio and ethnicity wise it's kinda cool to! A cultured group...

Well I won't get my hopes up! I've learnt to be alone... I just don't think I want to be anymore! I kind of miss Noahs touch and Islas laugh if I go more than a couple hours of not seeing them. Maybe it's my turn to actually have people...

Me Isla and Nathan plus Sasha of course and than 8 guards are at the house. And I'm supposed to meet up with Noah at my office later on. But for now I'm watching a movie with my family... except it's not fully my family without Noah....
I'm sitting in my office with Noah just existing. Well I'm working and he is watching some movie I'm not really focused on what exactly. Suddenly Chelsea walks in.

"There's a situation on the phone..."

"What situation?" I ask back

"I uh think you would just like to answer that..."

I pick up the phone and immediately recognize the voice... fucking hell 

"Stop calling me or i swear to god I will murder you all!" Noah quickly found my eyes and looked chocked

"Some stupid people" aka my parent but I can't tell him that. He won't understand like he really ducking won't. He's the family type of guy! He lives his family and they do/ did everything together. He had a family growing up he won't understand how I can just wish them death like that.

Yes I do want them dead not literally but dead in a way that they do not exist in my life! No traces, no calls, no nothing! I just want peace... and I can't have that knowing they won't stop calling. So if that means I have to do what I have to do then so be it!

I hate myself I look in the mirror and become disgusted by the person looking back at me. But I do have some respect for me as a person, a human. I don't have those basic human instincts when it comes to emotion and understanding other peoples feelings and remorse is something I've learnt to stop.

I'm done being their puppet, it's time to finally own my life and the person I am. I might not be proud of who I am but I get things done. I did that! I created me! I raised me! And I own me!

"Noah I have t-" I get caught of mid sentence by the door being slammed open

"Im tired of you ignoring us! who do you think you are huh? I birthed you and i own you! You answer my calls understood. And Azizam don't threaten my life!" Mother...

"Why is there a man in your office?" Baba...

"I'm sorry who are you?" Noah asks

"We are her parents!"



"Nice to meat you I'm the boyfriend Noah!"

"Our daughter does not have a boyfriend!"

They just ruined everything...

Authors note:
Oh noo! Not good...

Word count: 1049

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