The first practice (Evangelia)

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"Okay so figure skating is a combination of ballet, gymnastics and dance on ice. Which means we master them all and practice them all. Especially if you want to be an elite" they all listen while i speak and actually look interested.

"Are you elite?" Brandon ask me

"I skate for the national team and have since i was 15 years old, so i guess i am" i answer, they looked chocked, really chocked.

"Can you show us a dance?" he says one says "I think its called a number, like a figure skating number" and a last one says "It's called a routine" i jump in and say "Yes it does, good job jack! A routine" i truly believe in encouragement after someone succeeds.

"I'm not gonna show you now, because it's your practice" i tell them, they look a bit disappointed.

"Well can we watch one of your competitions or something?" i just answer with a "Sure, i have one next week on Sunday, so a week from today" i tell them. "Now lets start with some simple exercises."

-------  1 Hour later

"So sorry i'm late coach Samuelson, traffic was crazy an-" someone runs in saying. i cut them of not facing them while answering "Well i suppose you are Noah, i'm your coach for the day. I do not accept excuses in any form late is late. You can start with 15 laps around the rink" i say the turning around. Realizing who it is i say "Make that 30" with a small smirk on my lips.

"Evangelia, it's nice seeing you again"

"You can call me Ms. Black and i do really suggest starting on those laps before i double it again" i just stare until he starts his laps

I continue teaching the rest some tricks until he is done. "Now that we're all here" i say staring at him, so he understands the peak i continue by saying "There is one thing i learnt when starting out and i hope it will be of help to all of you too" i take a breath before saying "If you really can trust the ice you don't need your eyes" they actually looked a bit moved and taken back by the words.

"So the last exercises are going to be while you are all blindfolded, you need to learn to trust each other on the ice. Team up two and two then one of you get a blindfold, while i want to quickly speak with Mr. Anderson"

We walk away a little from the team while they start dividing into groups. "I'm not gonna tell your coach you were late, because the you wont be able to play the game" he looks at me with relief "Thank you! So much" "Yeah yeah what ever, i'm only doing it because you still haven't reported my injury to the rinks health organisation,  so we're even know!" he nods and i skate back to the team with Noah right behind me.

"Soooo who is with Noah" looking over the team i come to the conclusion that they are an odd number so he has to be with me... "Well i guess it's you and me, go grab a blindfold" i demand getting a "Yes ma'am" in response. Amused by his response i go over what we are supposed to do.

"First take each others hands" all the duos did it as i spoke and so did i and Noah. God he had big hands, i imagine what good quality that is for a man. It was way to long ago i had these types of hands all over my body.

"Now guide the blindfolded partner, and do not let go of one another" Noah whispers "Trust me i was not planning on it" his raspy dark voice was something else, and the slight tone of possessivenes, But no Lia we hate him he is the cause to us being injured get your shit together please.

"Guide me master" he says in a joking kind of voice, i decide to play along a little "You know you shouldn't provoke me like that, i have a thing for being in control" which is not entirely true i do like being controlled from time to time. he mumbles "Fuck that's hot" under his breath

"Now switch blindfolds with your partner. This time" i take a quick pause when realizing the movement of the next exercise "This time the blindfolded partner should be directed by the waist..." he gives me a dirty kind of smile when tying my blindfold and getting behind me whispering "I like this position, it gives me all the control i need" that did make me feel some ways i wasn't supposed too. We then start doing what we are supposed to before i say "Now lift your blindfolded partner steadily from the ice with your legs, not your back!!!"

Before he lifts me i warn him "careful i'm quit heavy" and he lifts me answering with "bullshit, you are light as a feather" he was so steady and did it so perfectly it got me wondering if he ever tried pair figure skating as a child or something. I have to be honest i do like his touch more than others, doesn't mean i like it though.

Back on the ground i take of the blindfold looking him in the eyes, we had a moment a moment of silence and just his ocean blue eyes. The team was still working on the lifts and eventually they all got it. Jack and Brandon came up to me and said "You know this was actually pretty cool i hope we'll do it again" i flash a small smile and then gather them all and say

"So i will be at every practice this week, having one hour to do some exercises. But what i expect of all of you is 1. Be on time we only have one hour to work our magic, 2. Do not ever interrupt me and finally 3. Never be afraid on the ice while doing this, being afraid is what gets you hurt! Now that we have the ground rules i can announce that we are done for the day see you all tomorrow"

"Hey Ms. Black we all were thinking of going some place to eat would you like to join?" Jack asks

"Thank you but i have to sit this one out i have some practice to get in before the Olympics" i tell him back.

"Yeah sure see you tomorrow!" i just nod and watch them get to the changing rooms.

I start practicing while feeling Noah's presence, he is tying his skates before putting them in his bag. I start my routine and do it over and over again, until i skate over to the benches where Noah is still seated tying his shoes.

"Is it going good?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it?"

"Noah you have been tying and untying your skates for about 40 minutes" i state he looks at me with his cheeks going a little red.

"what nooooo, i'm done now either way so i should probably go" he say while hurrying away, making sure to not look back. That man really do have a thing for me don't he... well to bad!

authors note:
Ooohhhhh some physical touch starting small fires all over their bodies. excited to see whats next!
There wan now a double Evangelia chapter hope that's fine. we will get more of Mr. Anderson's perspective i promise, at least with some spice...;)
word count: 1258

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