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I'm telling everyone I know to never fucking get married! Or maybe it's just my husband who overreact to every fucking thing! Such a drama queen.

"Stop being such a drama queen Elijah! I was with Adonis plus two guard on my way here! Sometimes I think your the woman in this relationship with all your mood swings" maybe he's just bipolar?

"NATASHA! I'm not kidding about this! I can't stress this enough but YOU are the most wanted person in the mafia world! You are my wife they want too kill you more than me. So start fucking listening to what I tell you" no I probably won't. Death doesn't sound so bad. I just want peace!

"FINE! But really you should get checked out for being bipolar or something!"

"Natasha" is all he says while glaring at me. If an expression could kill I'd not just be dead... but I'd be deaaaaaaaaad.

"Well okay then. Am I aloud to breath in peace now?" I ask sarcastically

"Look I just need to make sure you are safe Natasha." I know that but I can't live like some cage animal.

"I know but I need to be able to live Elijah! I can't just be a window doll that's main purpose is too just sit at home and look pretty. I need to work and live and for the love of god be able to be with my friends!"

"I know malyshka we can look into a way to make it work. But until then I need you to trust me and let me protect you" both his hand are in my cheeks now. Tilting my head to look into his eyes. He's a lot taller than me so he's hands are on either cheek supporting my neck in the process.

God I hate that nickname, I keep telling him. He thinks I just dislike it.  I if I hadn't gone through all that with that name I would love to have it as a nickname. But I can't, and he doesn't understand that. Maybe that's on me for not telling him the truth... but I can't!

"Now let's take down some Albanians... together" he says kissing my temple.

This is probably the most affectionate we've been. At least genuinely....

It's show time bitches. Well I won't be there for the down fall of the Albanian mafia. But they will save him for me. I ordered them to put him in my basement. I need to have some fun too you know.

Adonis came back to the hospital to check on me this time. Ironic.

"Did you sleep? Eat? Breath you know real air outside?"

"Yes, yes and no" well I'd say no in all three but then he'd make a scene.

"Well let's get some air then!"

"I think I should go alone" I say smiling. He response with a nod.

"I'll be here, call if you need me"

This bench is filled with darkness. I feel like this is the bench where people sit down after getting bad news or loosing someone they love. Maybe it's just my anxiety being sky high I don't know.

But I just can't shake the dark feeling. Not like something bad is going to happen. Not like before they got shot. Just dark... I can't figure out what it is!

Maybe the feeling is the opposite I'm jus scared. That does make sense. It feels like before the Olympics when everything was just simple. And maybe I'm just scared I'll go back to that safe and easy space. And it'll just blow over again.

God I stink... maybe I should take a shower and change my clothes. No wonder they wanted the meeting over the phone instead of the hospital.

I text Adonis

Me: I'm just going home quick to take a shower and change clothes be back in max an hour.

Adonis: okay bring a guard and be safe! Also bring something good for lunch (mr.loverboy requested hamburgers)

Me: I'll bring hamburgers and some change for him too.

Adonis: I already brought his things from the hotel. Their in my car.

Me: okey

Thank the lord she's taking a shower... the smell was horrible. In the kindest way possible... or not.... But I told her that's I it's fine!

"So who are you?" I ask the little thing

"I'm Mia! Who are you?" If she said that with attitude... no, no, no

"Excuse me ms.attitude I am Adonis! You should respect your elders" I sass back

"Evangelia told me that just because your old doesn't give you a pass on being rude" she says crossing her arms over her tiny chest. How can such a tiny human have so much attitude. Like how does the attitude fit inside the body?

"Touché tiny human, touché" I can't be defeated by a child.

"But I'm not elderly I'm just older than you. Which is not really hard you know"

"Okay how about the grown man and the child does not fight like they're both children" Noah interrupts with

Me and Mia just glare at each other.

Did I really just pick a fight with a child, yea I did! She was sassy, I don't like when shutdown are sassy. But she is soooo much like Angie like please! That's what I imagine a 9 year old Evangelia to act like. Well she still kinda does.

"So mister how does it feel to be shot for the first time?" I ask Noah. Yes the child has left I wouldn't say those things otherwise. I'm not that much of a monster.

"Well hopefully it's the last time too because it hurts like a bitch!" I laugh

"Yeah, but after a couple bullets toys too getting faced. It still hurts like I bitch I promise you that much. But after a while it's just to move on"

"Good to know"

"You know if you would have just talked to me we could have became friends earlier" Noah says

"We are not friends" I tell him

"I think we are" I don't know what to say I take a draunatic pause. Like a little extra then what I needed to build tensions

"Think what you want Andersson. I'll let you live through your delusions" he just smile

Maybe we are friends, I don't know. But I'm not telling him that! I'll make him suffer a little longer! I mean it's only fair. I had to watch over him like some sort of god sent Angel for two years. It'll take a while before I'll give him the satisfaction of us being friends.

"Hello my friends I have burgers and fries and milkshakes for everyone!" That is music too my ears! Lia had stopped at some burger place on the way back! Let the feast begin.

Well I gave you all a couple of different povs today. Hope you all liked that.
I decided that book two will be Natasha and Elijah's. So there will be some more of their povs just so we get to know them a bit.

Vote and comment please!

Word count: 1105

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