'The ending of a love story'

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Authors note: listen to 'can't pretend' By Tom Odell and 'all in my head' by tori Kelly during this chapter:)

"In how long are you leaving? Like an hour, 30 minutes?" I say in a cold tone

"I need to be on the road in max 45 minutes..." he's still not looking at me

"If your doing this you have too look me in the eyes and stand for what you did, own your choices!" I'm frustrated and I don't know how to feel about everything.

"Fine, yea we had a fight and I took the offer and I'm standing by my choice okay! You told me that career is number 1 no matter what so here I am!"
Well I guess I brought this on myself

"Why couldn't you find a solution that could keep us together? Long distance, or I could have moved with! You just needed to talk to me!" He looks confused

"You would have moved with me?" Is he kidding me

"Of course I would! I can work from anywhere with my job! Noah why would you think I wouldn't? It's not like I have family here!"By the looks in his face I understand why he's chocked

"You didn't think I would move with you because if the roles were reversed you wouldn't have moved with me... right?"


The silence is killing me, the thought of this is killing me!

"You would just let me come home to you having moved to Russia?"

"I thought it would be the least painful way so yes"



"No, no don't you dare call me that, I am not your Angel! I'm not yours anymore! I'm no one too you!"


"NO BECAUSE IF I WERE, IF I WOULD MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS TO ME! YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT ME LIKE THIS! If you would have cared about me you wouldn't have made me fall in love with you, even when I told you that I don't do love because I would end up hurt or broken. But still you couldn't let me live my life alone, you had to make my heart ache every time I thought of loosing you! You had to make me see a life with you! YOU HAD TOO MAKE ME LOVE YOU!"

He's crying and I feel like shit for making him cry!

"I'm sorry!"

"Is that all you can say Noah? You don't think I deserve more than that?"

"I don't know what to tell you?"

"Was it real? The farm house, with cows and chickens. Where we would plant in our garden and live of off our own herbs and vegetables with our kids. Was it real? 'The I love you' and 'you mean everything too me'? Because you talked about the future a while after that fight, so WAS IT REAL?"

"No... no I knew a long time before that-"

"That we didn't have a future together?"

"Yes, but Ang- Lia I didn't lie about the fact that I love you and that you mean everything to me!"

"Well that's just empty words right now! I don't trust that, I don't trust you!"

He's staring at his watch right now... he's really leaving me here...

she's so hurt, she's crying a bit. Well she's trying too restrain herself from crying but a few tears have slipped down her cheek. It wasn't supposed to go like this. But she's right I did only lie and plan on just leaving while she was away for my own sake. I knew that this situation, that is going on right now... it's killing me. I don't think I'll me able to survive this. So yes, the decision was wrong and I guess this is my karma.

"Don't for a second think I don't love you Evangelia, I love you more than anything in the entire world! I would die for you!"

"NO BECAUSE WE DON'T HURT THE PEOPLE WE LOVE! And you are hurting me right now."

"That's not fair! Lia that is not fair, I didn't want too hurt you"

"Well obviously you did want too hurt me when you made that decision with anger and without I don't know TELLING ME but who am I too decide that?"

"Evangelia please, you have to forgive me someday!" She will never forgive me

"The day I forgive you is my last day on earth Noah! Don't you understand that there's so many options we had to do this in a way where we could still be together! There's so many ways..."

"I know and I fucked up so give me the benefit of the doubt please!"

"I fint Owe you anything! Nothing!"

I need too leave, I have 5 minutes tops! The both of us are just staring into each others eyes. A tear is running down her cheek and as I go to wipe it away she flinched... she flinched at my touch.... I've lost her forever!

"I need to, I need to go..."

"The second you step out that door we're done! No take backs, no regrets! No nothing! If you go out then you're out.... Forever."

I stare at her until I take the bags and start walking

"I'm not kidding Noah, if you walk out then that's it! NO MORE LOVE! NO MORE US JUST YOU AND I AS SEPARATE PEOPLE! Please don't do this to me!"

"I'm sorry Angel"
I tell her as I walk out the door, I guess this is it!

When the door close behind me I hear her, she's crying and throwing stuff. Glass chattering and a scream I'll never forget.

The ending of our love story...

Authors note:
This chapter is shorter, I sobbed while writing this!
I want too hear your opinions about this so please comment and vote

Word count: 989

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