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I wake up alone, sore as hell. Where is Noah? I start to slightly panic until the door opens.

"Finally you're awake, good morning Angel" he says holding a tray with food and drinks. He made me breakfast....

"Good morning, did you make this?" I asked

He smiles proudly and nods his head. He made American pancakes knowing it's my favorite thing ever. Omg it's chocolate in them! And then my morning coffee just like I want it. Also a sandwich with all my favorite things.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have too" i tell him

"I know but I wanted too" he sits back into bed next to me.

I don't know that this wasn't a mistake or that I shouldn't have caved in. But it feels so right you know. Just the way we just fit each other personality wise. How I know that no matter what he always listens to the smallest of details. I feel seen.

Even though I maybe shouldn't I feel safe and calm with him. And like I said it might be stupid and it might be a mistake to feel like this but in the moment I can't stop wanting it.

Maybe it's because I've been waiting for two years to find the same type of safe feeling I had with him then. He never made me doubt how is age I feel just the trust part. And getting this back has been in the back of my head since he left. I mean I couldn't even have a one night stand with someone else because it didn't feel right.

"A penny for your thought?" He asked

"No just some small notes in my head" I say smiling at him

"You have a tell" ?


"When you lie to me I know it because you have a tell"

"I do not!"

"You do!" He laughs a little

"Im a highly trained assassin since I was a child. I do not have a tell!!!"

"Not with others no, but with me? Yea you do" I refuse to believe that! I do not under any circumstances have a tell. That's for the weak!

"You can say what you want I did think about things that I had to take note to for the future" it's kinda true. Taking a note that I love the safety I feel just don't completely forget that he once made me feel worthless so. A mental note that men are bitches in a smaller sentence.

"okay" he says in that annoying way he always does in these situations.

"What are you thinking of?" I ask him.

"I don't know actually"

"Well okay then"

It feels like a dream. Just because this exact moment is what I've been dreaming of for the past two years. Sitting here next to her on a bed with some food just talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

It's like a dream come true. I know this is not a miracle or something. But it's something I've been longing for since I left. Just embracing her presence.

"Thank you for breakfast" she says. I look at the empty plate and feel proud.

"Don't ever thank me for that! I make you breakfast everyday! It's the bare minimum" she look at me funny.

"Noah just take my thank you. You have to let people appreciate all you do for them! It's not healthy to never let yourself feel appreciated!" She always tell me that I'm bad at compliments. And I am.

I just never really feel like I'm doing enough. She made me feel like I was though, she always have.

"I know, you're welcome for breakfast my love" the second I said it our eyes connected.

No one knew what to say, we are not a couple. But I mean is it that weird? I don't know. I just took the Plates and put it in the dishwasher.

As I enter the bedroom I see her getting changed and talking to someone over the phone.

"What's going on?" I ask her

"There's an emergency meeting, get dressed we need to leave like right now" she answers

I have never in all the time I've known her. Seen her this stressed! Never, ever, ever. I quickly get dressed properly. Once I'm starting to put my shoes on she's already out the door.

Damn It! We can never get a calm morning can we! But it also makes our life just a little more exciting. I mean yes it's a bit annoying but it also makes out life ours. Messy and various.

And that's not even an understatement. But like I said it has its own charm. We learn to appreciate the calm moments more. Plus who doesn't like a little adventure now and then.

I found a cop in Evangelia's organization. Not someone who actually has any status. This Edgar dude isn't even in the criminal part of it. He's the biggest nobody ever. Until he wasn't anymore and his cover was blown.

But like I said he's a fucking nobody, he's not the threat, he's not the guy we're looking for. He's just their little puppy or cover up. I haven't decided yet.

Natasha is out shopping, which means she's occupied for quite some time. I mean literal hours. So I called the meeting in 'our house' not ours and not a house. We are renting it for our stay here. But we are not really a 'we' or 'us'.

Well we are married, but this marriage is just for convenience. But this woman has a talent for spending my money. I'm rich I can't get poor it would take nearly everything hung in earth to make that happen. But if someone could than this woman would.

She loves shopping. Even for cars. And I let her because she's my wife and I have money. It's that simple. But soon I have to get a new house for all her new clothes. Just as I think about that someone walks straight in my house. No knocking, no ringing a bell, just walking right in!

"Who the fuck is it" She screams for half the world too hear.

A little mixed chapter, a lot of pov's

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Word count: 1058

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