William noah Andersson

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5 years later (3:rd person)

"William Noah Andersson get right back in here!"
Evangelia screamed after the running child.
He walks back in

"I told you not too run around with the horses alone, you can get hurt Angel I don't want that!"

"I know mom sorry, but Nathan looked so lonely" the soon five year old said to his mother.

"He has all of his friends there William, I promise you that he is not lonely. And we can go out there after dinner and play with them okay?"

"Thank you mommy, I love you" he says and give his mother a kiss on the cheek.

Evangelia and William set the table together while he speaks the mind of a four year old. Suddenly the phone rings and William decide too answer.

"Hello William here"

"Hello? I, who?"

"William Noah Andersson, who are you?" He says back in a sassy tone

"I'm Noah..."

"Hey that's my name!"

And suddenly the line was cut.

"Who was it William?"

"Some guy with the same name as me"

She just answered with a strange expression not asking more questions. They put out six plates, for all of Williams aunts and uncles too eat with them.

William had the exact looks of his father. His face sculpture, hair and eye color. Sometimes Evangelia would cry at night because of the resemblance that haunts her dreams.

The dreams of her and her husband raising a child together. All she ever wanted, but could never get... or could she?

The doorbell rings and little William run to the door screaming 'I'll open, I'll open'. And he is greeted by Natasha and Elijah at the door frame. He runs up hugging them both.

"I missed you baby" Natasha tells him

"I miss you too!"

"Missed" Elijah chimes in with

"Elijah it is a child, his speaking is not perfect" his wife tells him while she slaps him on the arm.

"Mommy says you're not allowed to hit people in this house"

"Your mom is a hypocrite" Elijah says while hugging the boy.

He mumbles something under his breath but no one caught what he was saying.
Everyone including Isla and Adonis was gathered in the house by the time for food.

Evangelia had cooked dinner for the group with vegetables from her own garden and plated it in ceramic plates she and her son created together.

"Mommy let me answer the phone today!" William express excitedly

"Oh really, who was it?" Adonis asked

"Some guy with the same name as me" he answered stuffing more food into his mouth. His mother stood up too get the salad bowl from the kitchen.

"Some random guy named William called?" Adonis said hesitantly thinking Evangelia was hiding something from them.

"No silly, not William! His name was Noah..." the bowl hit the floor and all attention was directed towards Evangelia

"What did you say William?"

"Yeah the guys name was not William. It was Noah. He sounded upset or tired I don't know" panic met everyone's faces.

"did I say something bad?" The boy asked looking sad and scared of everyone's reactions

"No sweetheart but mommy just remembered that she had some things to take care of tomorrow so auntie Isla will drop you of at grandmas house okay?"

"Yaaaaay grandma!" He runs away to his room to start packing. While Evangelia rush over to the house phone.

"We need to track that fucking call right fucking know!" She yells at them

"Angie... he's gone... I'm sorry but he is!" Isla say

"We never found his goddamn body did we now? So track that fucking phone call Elijah. And you drop of my son at his grandmothers house!"

The start of one of the most complicated manhunts in history just took its start.

While this household is falling apart a man is roaming around the country to find the love of his life. Not knowing that their love for each other had created something so pure as life itself.

After that confusing answer to the phone call he has been stunned. 'William Noah Andersson' answering the phone. A child answering the number of a supposedly childless woman. What has he missed?

Authors note:
Confusing? Definitely! Are y'all getting the hints😉
I know you all hate me for what I've done! But sometimes we need a little drama.

This one was short but oh so filled with good drama

Word count 743

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