What are you doing here? (Noah+Evangelia)

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This can't be real... I pinch my arm to see if this is some twisted sick dream... it's not... they can't be here... what are they doing here?

"Azaria who is this? Why is there a man in your office?" Pravin asks me... Parvin is here... modar Parvin... (translate: mother Parvin)

"What are you doing here?" I say in a bitchy way...

"That's no way to speak to your mother Azaria!" Baba says

"Who is Azaria? And why does your parents not know about me? What the hell is going on?" Noah finally said something...

"Noah please I can explain! Let me just deal with this!" He looks mad

"No!" He walked out and I follow after him

"Noah I promise that there is a good reason okay! Just let me talk"

"No Evangelia! You didn't tell your parents about me! We've been dating for months, I can't Believe you! What are you that embarrassed of me?"

"No! Noah I promise I'm not embarrassed of you! Please listen to me there is a valid reason!"

"I bet there is..." and then he storms out

I walk back into the office and the two of them are now comfortably sitting and chatting.

"You have to leave... I know you're broke and I know you're either here for money or marriage. But you won't get any of them so get the fuck out of my office before I shoot the two of you in the head!" That might have been harsh but they just destroyed the one good thing in my life... just like they've destroyed everything else.

"Azaria sit down" baba tell me

"I prefer to stand, and do not tell me what to do! You're in my house now!" They always said that when I was a child 'you do what I say in my house' and all that.

"This is an office not a house!" Moma adds

"Yes! Yes this is my office! That I own, that I have fought so hard for! A company that I have shed my blood, sweat and tears for. I have sacrificed everything to where I am today! The two of you will not come here and destroy what I have built just because you need money or because you want to just traumatize me even further. I AM NOT YOUR CHILD ANYMORE! you said that yourself, so do not think for a second that I will help you when you need  me! because all you did for me was to destroy everything good in my life!"

"GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU! NOOOOOW" I yelled shortly after. They stay seated, so I pick up the office phone and dial Jason's number.

"I need escort security guards here right now!"

"What's going on Angie?"

"My parents.."

"I'll be there in 2 seconds!" And he hung up

"Either you leave now or you'll be escorted out"

After Jason and the guards escorted them out I broke down. In my office I locked the door and started throwing things. Vases, picture frames, all things glass and books and everything! I lost it, he's gone...

He doesn't want to see me! He won't forgive me, what was I supposed to do? Tell my parents that aren't my parents anymore! Tell them so they could kill him?

He called me Evangelia...

I love him... I really do love him... and I have never told him that...

She didn't tell her parents about me... I feel kind of betrayed! Why would she not tell them?
And if something was wrong she should have told me that! That's her problem she can't communicate, she can't talk to me! And I don't know how I am supposed to do this anymore...
I called Johnny on my way out.

"She didn't tell her parents and I just met them and she... she didn't tell them! Why? Why would she not?"

"Hello to you too! Well maybe she doesn't talk to her parents anymore or something."

"Well why wouldn't she tell me that then? Why does she not talk to me? I feel like she does not tell me anything! She don't trust me and it breaks me!!!"

"well i font know her like you do! But maybe she's had I tougher than you think! Maybe she can't trust you because she have never had someone to trust. You should maybe listen to her, and let her talk and tell you why..." it's like he's on her side!

"Are you on her side or mine?"

"It's not about sides Noah! It's wrong of her, yes theoretically it is! But you don't know why and you didn't let her tell you either so you can't really be angry with her until you know if she just didn't or if she had a real reason! And that's just the truth!" Maybe he's right...

"No! She still should have told me then, if that was the case! I can't do this anymore I can't be with someone who's embarrassed of me or can't trust me!"

I went out the back door of my office and snuck out, I knew there would be people outside my door...
The rink is the only place I can think of being at right now!

I get there and get changed into my uniform, and all I can think of is Noah... he made me feel, he made me smile. I feel alive when I'm with him... and as soon as I'm not, I feel just as dead again.

I fucked to I know that! I should have told him, but I can't, I can't! It's not that easy okay, it really ducking isn't! This is so typical of me, I'm a self destructive piece of shit! And I just feel bad that I hurt him. He's the man I live the only person I have actually let myself live and I hurt him...

I start skating and stop thinking about the world, that what I do when I'm here... I escape. But I can't escape him! I don't know what to do! I met him here, Marley ran out in this ice and I met him... I yelled at him. But god his eyes mesmerized me even the first time I saw him!

And he called me Evangelia... he never do that NEVER! And his voice sounded so wounded and broken.... Shit, shit, shit!

What have I done... this is why I don't do relationships or friendships. Because I destroy them!
Suddenly I start crying and I can't see. I can't feel anything besides cold...

I'm taking the deal

"Hey! It's Noah Andersson, I have thought about the offer and you know... I've always wanted to play in the KHL! It's an awesome opportunity and I'm a lot closer to home."

"Glad to hear we will send details and get a contract in the works!"

I guess it's finale! I'm leaving...

Authors note:
Yea well this is todays episode of 'I hate the author for breaking my heart' hahahah no but I hope you liked it!

Word count: 1184

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