A call from Isla (Evangelia)

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Two weeks has gone by since our first date and god I might even call myself happy. We have spent so much time together, but soon I'm going away for a week to the Olympics. My coach has been killing me literally!

"Weighing time!" He tells me, shit, shit,shit

"Mmmmmm not good enough!" What it says 101 pounds, not good enough! NOT GOOD ENOUGH??? I'm killing myself for him and nothing is good enough!

"I'm sorry!" I tell him

"You should be!" We leave in a month... I need to get down the last pounds!

I get a call from isla

"Hello love" I answer the phone saying.

"Lu ca an- and Gio are de-dead" fuck oh no fuck shit no!!! He didn't tell me!!!

"Fly out to me NOW isla listen to me! Throw that phone in a garbage can, leave all your stuff! Get in to a mall filled with people during rush hour and by new things! Things you would never wear. Only pay with cash then by the first ticket here! There's a passport hidden in your basement, take that one. Learn it and use it! You can't tell anyone. Mark my words anyone where you are going stay hidden! By a burner and text me the exact time you will be at the airport!" "Understood"


"Good I love you I'll see you soon okay! Stay strong!" She hangs up.

I get to the office as soon as possible after practice and I'm met with Noah.

"Hi I don't really have the time to talk right now there's a family emergency!" I tell him walking he traces me into my personal office.

"Oh is there anything I can do?" I just shake my head and run through all my papers trying to find a person register.

"Chelsea get justice in the phone NOW" she do as I say.

"I need a new identity, for someone who's life is at great risk!"

"Angie we can't ju-"

"If you Finnish that sentence and don't give me one in the next 20 minutes I will burn you down! Do you understand me!!!" He knows I'm dead serious

"Yes ma'am I'll get it too you right away!" I just hang up. Not realizing that Noah's still standing there.

"I need Jason noow" I scream

"Yes I'll get him on the phone!" Chelsea answers

"If I wanted him in the phone I would have said so! Get him here right fucking now!" She nods and get right into it.

I take my old Bruner phone and send the auto message away. War just started, I better prepare them.

"I heard someone has missed meeee" Jason sings while walking in. I haven't lifted my head from the table since I got in, WHERE ARE THISE PAPERS!

"You need to pick someone up from the airport in exactly 4 hours and 17 minutes, if you are second late so help me god I will make sure you regret that!"

"What's going on???"

"Luca ands Gio are dead, murdered you know how it works in the mafia. Isla is on her way here getting a new identity. I have already notified the rest of the allies that war has started! She need a bodyguard I can't do it... we all know why! So you have to!"

"Yea of course, hey I know you never wanted to be-"

"Shut the fuck up and do what I say"

Oh no, Noah

"Noah, please I'm sorry I have to cancel the dinner! As you can see things are hectic!"

"Let me help!" He says I laugh

"No time for jokes! This is business that can get you killed. Now leave because I actually value your life!" He does as I say. I don't mean to be a bitch but this is serious shit!

————— at her safe house in Toronto
"Oh isla you're here! How are you sweetheart?"

"They're dead" she cries, how do you handle someone that cries I don't know!

The mafia wasn't something I was officially a part of but I did attend business, and worked with them! I'm not proud but it is the truth. I did what I had to! It might sound wrong and vague. But sometimes you can't just be a living happy surviving thing.

Sometimes you have to a shark to survive. That's what I was, a shark.

That doesn't mean I still am. I've never killed someone, I've never tortured someone. But I have done other things. Stolen, caught in mafia wars and most important... business. That's why I am where I am today. I didn't do it the real way, I did it in the only way I knew how to. Information.

For the people who say 'power is power' they are lying. Yea authority is a type of power. But all power can be overtaken by two things knowledge and information. That's how I survived, that's how I was a shark. I manipulated and blackmailed people to get what I want! It's wrong but it's the only way to gain such power with the life I had!

She's sleeping in my arms and I'm texting Noah.

'I'm sorry about today'
'Are you involved in the mafia' he asks, i sigh
'I can't take that over the phone, meet me at (Adress) tomorrow at noon.'
'Okay goodnight my love'
'Goodnight Noah!'

I don't know what to do, I can't protect her forever she's a free spirit. All I wanted was freedom, I can't take that away from her! That would make me two faced. But I can't tell her the truth either she will hate me! What can I do now....

"Hi" Noah says standing right in front of me by the lake 10 minutes from the safe house. Well it's noon I shouldn't be surprised he's here.

"Hello" we just stare at each other.

"So are you going to tell me?" I sigh

"I grew up around it but I'm not a part of it, never have been, and never will be. Isla is now the first to the throne so to speak. But she's not ready, for now her uncle will be in charge. My job is to protect her and train her."

He nods in a 'continue' kind of way

"And I'm going to do it, she'll be here for a couple of months and then she will take over the mafia throne. I know this sounds crazy and just completely mad, but it's the truth!" I don't dare to look him in the eyes.

He takes his my face in his hands and kiss me... he just kissed me...

Authors note:
This chapter is confusing it's supposed to be. This is the explanation of a book I will write after this one. About Isla and her life. Hope as many of you will like that one when it comes out!

Word count: 1152

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