Feeling naked

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"Where is Lia! I miss her!!!" My little sister Mia say over the phone.

"She's at practice I'll have her call you! Hey your English is getting good" I say while smiling

"Well I want too be able to talk too my new best friend and sister!" Heath Will not for long...

"Hey I have too go! Love u" and hang up

All contracts are signed and finished, I have an apartment and everything is settled. Lia hasn't come home since she left in the middle of the night and it's 10:00 AM. I'm worried as hell! I've tried calling and texting and nothing!

So I decide to go to the rink and see if she's possibly still here, she can't be can she?

She is... of course she is...

"Lia it's time to go home!"

"Lia- Evangelia please come home!" She skates up to the door.

"Noah right now I can't look at you! I'm sorry, but you want me too trust you... how? How will I share the weak side of me if you will just use it against me? If you will bring it up to get my attention? How am I supposed too share myself with you when you will call me Azaria every time I don't listen to you?" Her eyes teared up while speaking.

"I'm sorry Evangelia, I don't know what flew into me but I just need you I need too spend time with you! Okay I really need to!" I need to spend every second of every day with her until I leave!

"You're only apologizing because you feel like you need me! Not because you know you did wrong! Do you even regret it?" I just stare at her until I look down at my feet...

"Look I needed too, you were going crazy I needed to get your attention! And I'm not saying I would do it again but I'm saying it worked!" I feel like that was the wrong answer... by her face it definitely was

"Noah Andersson go home! I actually can't believe that you don't regret bringing up one of weakest and toughest moment in my life!" Definitely the wrong answer.

"I love you okay! Be carful and Please don't be mad at me forever" because we don't have forever....

He need to spend time with me huh! He should have thought about that! I leave soon like next week soon! I'm about too so the riskiest thing ever, I have made a whole other routine... but I'm not showing Harrison... I'm just preforming it at the Olympics! Which means I'm a dead women as soon as I walk of that ice! Well he's been a dead man since the first time he put his hands on me!

My body is aching and my real practice starts in 10 minutes, fun.

"Ms.Black good too see you!" Coach Samuelson

"Hello coach! Good too see you too!"

"I'm excited to see you win next week!"

"Haha we'll se about that, but thank you!"

Long time no see I guess, and then practice starts... he is torturing me for missing practice, quad after quad after quad! My knees hurt so much I fall too the ground and can't get up!

"Get up before I make you" is what he says

"I SAID GET UP!" I can't
I half get up and he grabs my arm and drags me too the locker room.

"Darling you are such a... disgrace" he was so gentle while saying it laying his hand on my thigh

"You will be the reason we loose! And I hope that breaks... forever and maybe that you kill yourself!" What is going on why can't I move!

"Now either you get in the work and do okay at the Olympics or you don't and I will make sure you suffer when we loose!" And he leave

God why can't I just fucking hit him! That disgusting and ugly man! You know what no, no feeling sorry for myself no nothing!

Elijah is right I need to get a grip on myself! I'm not this person, I'm non emotional I don't care about people or what they do or who they are I kill them for touching me I don't do this! Guilt or shame no, no man will ever make me feel disgusting again! Foch if anything men are disgusting, please everyone knows that!

Me and Elijah are like siblings we hate each other but only because we know we have no choice but too be around each other! And hell he married my best friend for a job, I mean please dedication to the mafia in its finest form! He is just Elijah a Russian mob boss who knows how good looking he is and who knows that he live Natasha more than he has ever loved anything in his life!

And Tasha huh she is a Russian assassin, cold, she was cold now she's just in love but she keeps pretending that she isn't because they can't be! They can't be In love! In this business they can't be In love that would be their death! As a mob boss he can't have a weak link his family is dead! No friends outside of the mafia and god he is miserable... no wonder he just walked in here and yelled at me!

Suddenly I'm standing outside my apartment not wanting to go in!

Isla is with Nathan and a lot of security at a safe house and I'm standing outside my door like a 12 year old who missed their curfew by 2 minutes! I'm scared I don't want yelling and fighting, but theirs no other choice I guess

"Noah! You can't do that again you can't just use my past against me! You can't! I'm sorry I panicked I'm sorry I did scared you! But you can't do this... or I can't do us!"

"Lia I am sorry okay I won't! I won't ever do this again I didn't mean too! It flew out and yea I was scared and I thought you were going crazy! You keep locking me out like I don't mean anything like I'm no one!!!" What is he talking about!

"Like you are no one? YOU MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME NOAH! I don't even trust Isla and Natasha with the things I have told you! I love you Noah okay I h try ought you do that but clearly you don't so NOAH I LOVE YOU! And I will keep saying it until I can't anymore!" I feel naked! More naked than I feel like when I am actually naked!

Authors note:
Yeah love... nice I want that!
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Love y'all!

Word count: 1128

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