We need to talk

607 14 5

Okay it's been 5 hours and she's not fucking here, not answering. Nothing!

"Can't I just leave for five fucking seconds without hell braking loose?" Adonis ask as he walk through the door.

"5 hours, nothing I've heard nothing from her!" He growls

"Fine, I'll ask them to ping her phone, but if it's nothing I'm literally suing you for not letting me fucking sleep" yeah I'd rather he do that than something being wrong.

Suddenly someone calls him. He acts all suspicious about it.

"Can you trust me for a second Noah"


"She's fine, but I need too see her alone"


"It's complicated just stay here okay, nothing is wrong it's just some business shit" fucking liar.

Why is he keeping me in the cold. I don't like it, I don't like the fact that they are hiding something from me.


"That you're pregnant" what did she say to me?

"Im not" I say quickly

"Are you sure?" She asks


"Yea I-"







Nooo there is no way in hell, I cannot be! Well I have sex and there is always a possibility! Noooo fuck what if I am.

"Im sorry it was not my meaning too just throw it into you"

"No it's okay, I just- I'm just a bit thrown of but it's fine!" It's not fine... what if I'm fucking pregnant!

I leave the rink and get into my car to drive too the nearest gas station. In France they sell everything at the gas station so it can't be that fucking hard to find a fucking pregnancy test.

Apparently it's fucking hard! I've been too seven different places and none of them fucking have. I look at my phone and see an incoming call from Noah, I can't answer him!

I call Adonis

"Can you walk into a room alone please" is the first thing I say.

"I'm alone"

"I need you to get me something"

"Before that, he's worried sick you know, it's a pretty big dick move to just ignore him for hours"

"Adonis I've been freaking out over the fact that I might be fucking pregnant right now" he got silent real quick now

"What do you need?" Thank god

"I need you to find me a fucking pregnancy test before I rip my whacking head of"

"I don't know where you get that shit, isn't it weird for me to do it"


"Yea ma'am"

And I hang up, I'm freaking the fuck out!
Yes I feel bad for Noah and yea I should probably tell him but I can't, he'll be happy about it... I wouldn't be... I won't be...

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