Something bad (Evangelia)

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"What's going on?" He sits down and looks mad? Scared? No Luca Russo, scared? Nooo...

"We will start this with your business, you will be granted our protection and alliance when it comes to opening up clubs and restaurants in New Orleans" he tries to speed round he don't do speed round. He's like a snail usually but now he's Blixten Mqueen

"I sense that there's something bad coming...." I was right

"Me and gio are probably going to get killed in the next three months, and I need a favor from you when/if that happens" what.did.he.just.say. No way! Not a way In hell. I grew up with them... they were the ones running that B&B as cover up for there business in Canada. We're the same age we used to take care of each other.

"What the fuck are you talking about Luca? If there's threats just get rid of them or I will give you security! But none of you can die. Okay it won't fucking happen!" I tell him

"Angie, you know you aren't that naive, you can't be. When it happened I need you to help hide and take care of isla!" I'm not this naive I know it'll get me killed. But I just don't want to imagine them gone...

"Yes of course, have you told her.... Of course you haven't! Well if you don't have a date and time of your death I can't ensure her safety!!!!" He looks at me like I've lost it.

"When we sense that they're getting close we will send her here. She already knows protocol of no funeral and no visits home if we're dead... she's not made for this life, I want tog I've her a normal one!"
"And business will be ensured even when we're dead we've written a contract that no one can over reach!" He adds

"I don't care about the contract right now!" I tell him

"Business Angie is everything you know that! I have too leave I can never be in one place for to long. Don't hesitate to call!" And he walked out.

He can't die... Gio can't die... they just can't!

There's something he's not telling me. I'm going to find out what it is!
I went home early from work, to get ready for tonight. What am I wearing? I don't know. I don't do dates, never have done the date type of thing! I'm more of a one night stand type of person.  Relationships have never been in any interest of mine. I always expected to be alone, that's how it's always been and how i thought it would always be.

Isla will now let's call her!

"Isla heyyyyy please I need your help asap!" I tell her on FaceTime


"I'm goi on a date, I don't know what to wear!" She gasps

"A date with who? Name, full name so I can look him up through my data guy" she's actually serious when saying that! I do the same for all of her dates. It's a girl thing!

"No, now help m-" I'm interrupted by her screaming

"Gio, Luca! Angie's going on a date!!!!" Oh no they will murder me... they both arrive in front of the camera in one second. Acting like big brothers and telling me 'no it's a bad idea men are stupid' and 'who is it I need to have a chat with him'

"Either you help me Isla or I'm hanging up!" I tell her.

"Well okay sorry, sooooo how about pink?" Is she crazy?

"Are you serious I don't do pink! I do black and in rare occasions red. Nothing else no blue, white or any other color." I say

"It was worth a try!" Was it tho, was it really?

—- 1 hour later—-
Okay so we decided on a red dress, yea fully red! She was starting to get really annoying so I just went with it. The dress is fabulous (the dress in the picture above). Then some gold jewelry, straight hair and the black jimmy choo aveline sandals. The ones where one shoe has a bow on the toe strap and the other by the heel.

I'm nervous... really fucking nervous. The time is 6:37  PM and I'm not ready yet. Makeup I need makeup. Isla said red lips... she showed me a picture of Angelina Jolie and said you would look like this with red lips. That was kind of convincing... I mean it's Angelina Jolie! Who doesn't want to look like the icon and the exceptional woman Angelina Jolie!

So that I did. Red lips black winged liner. Perfect makeup, perfect dress, perfect shoes. Please let this be good enough.

——— 6:59 PM

There's a knock on the door, omg it's him. Punctual with 1 minute early.  I open it, he's standing there with flowers.

"Hello Angel! You look heavenly!" He says looking me up and down at least 15 times.

"Hello and thank you handsome!" He smiles.

"Are you ready?" I nod and walk out.

When we arrive at the restaurant it's an Italian. I love pizza and pasta and lord have mercy! I'm gonna eat so much food I'll probably get a big speech from coach. But right now I don't care!

"What do you want to drink?" He asks

"I'm a red wine type of person" I tell him

"Well than" he orders a red wine and it really tastes like heaven! The best I've ever tried!

"Tell me about Noah Andersson" I mean I don't know much about him. Except everything, I've done my research!

"I'm from Sweden, always played hockey and always dreamed of being a professional hockey player. It's me my mom and my sister Mia. That's about it"

"No, that's not you, I want to know who YOU are" I emphasize the you part.

"Well uh... I'm a sort of naive person, I want to see the best in everybody! And that have hurt me sometimes but yeah that's life. I'm also a little sensitive when it comes to movies... I tend to cry a lot." I smile well that gives me a perspective

"Tell me who is Evangelia Black?" He asks

"Well I despise people,  I usually stay away from them. I'm stubborn" he laughs

"Yeah I've noticed that!" And laughs some more

The 'date' is going good. I might actually be able to trust him...

Authors note:
A date huh! Nice!
Just a. Side note isla is supposed to sound the same as 'Ayla' but spelt isla.

Word count: 1097

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