The Olympic scandal

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My apartment is filled with broken glass and torn pillows. Everything is just broken in the floor... I am just broken on the floor. He left, he decided that leaving me here alone, broken and fooled was the right thing too do.

I hear my phone ringing... I can't move, I CANNOT MOVE.

I feel my hands sting, my legs and arms too. I must've cut myself in the process of trashing my apartment.

My phone rings again....

My body is aching, I feel numb, like someone just ripped my heart out!

I've been laying here and staring at the clock ticking... waiting for him to barge through the door and telling me this was some joke or that he just couldn't leave me.

And eventually someone does break open my door, but not Noah! Elijah, I can't really acknowledge him. I can't leave my head, the thoughts, the memories just running through my head.

Suddenly I feel myself being carried by him into the bathroom. He puts me down and Natasha's there too. Elijah leaves us and Natasha showers the blood off of me.

"Angie please say something, you're scaring me" I hear her say but I can't really speak. I don't know what's wrong with me but he was all I had.

I feel myself being put on my bed, but I can't sleep. Natasha leaves me there knowing I need to be alone.

I just stare at the minutes and hours on the damn table watch that's just ticking, counting every second that passes me.

"What do you need?" I turn my head around to Elijah standing there like a soldier waiting for his next orders.


"Natasha saw it... the at least one/two days old bruises and cuts. So I'm asking, what do you need?"

"She saw nothing" I answer yet again

"I'm not stupid, you don't want coach Harrison dead? By the reaction you gave when I mentioned his name, you do! So for the last time.... What. Do. You. Need?"

"Him too suffer."

"Good!" And he walks out. But before he close the door he says

"Consider it handled. Anything you need I'll handle it!" Then the door closes.

I can hear them talking

"You got her to talk? How?"

"Doesn't matter, I have to go I'll be back!"

"Elijah please what's going on I need to know this is my best friend my everything! Don't keep me in the dark just because you and I aren't on good terms."

"This isn't about us malyshka, this is about her. Just don't worry everything will be fine."

I can't stand this, fuck they don't know how lucky they are! They don't have too worry about one walking out on them because they can't! They love each other but act like they don't just too convince themselves that they aren't in love.

One day later:
I didn't sleep a second, just watching the snow fall down from the white sky... the door into my room opens.

"It's done! He's suffering"

"Don't kill him"


"Don't kill him"


"Because living is the best torture and living with the pain and trauma of what you've done, will be the best way to torture him!"


"Elijah" I yell out


"Stop calling her malyshka!" He chuckle

"What it's just a cute nickname, she gets so mad at me for it"

"Yes she has every right too! Stop okay!"

"Why? Why is it so bad?" He sound worried

"that's not my place to say, but stop!"


It's been one day, I feel like a piece of me is missing. All I've been doing is just unpack everything.

Marly is here keeping me company, I've been dodging everyone's texts and calls. Especially my moms. The only person I've wanted to text me hasn't.

I'm eating some ordered food and watching the news, I figured out a way to watch some Canadian channel. Then I suddenly see something and turn the volume up.

"Hello my name is Gabriella smith and I am your anchor for the day. News have leaked from the Winter Olympics. The video shows mature scenes and is very disturbing! We see the Canadian coach william Harrison physically and mentally abusing the Olympic gold champion Evangelia black. Based on the events in the video we can both hear and see what is going on. The police will together with the Olympic committee investigate what has happened . The coach is prosecuted with assault and rape. More about the Olympic scandal will be shown later tonight."

Wha- what is going on?

I rewatch it at least 6 times until I start calling her. She doesn't answer... not surprised! I said things, stupid things to make her hate me, if she hates me she will forget me quicker. I didn't mean all the dumb idiotic things but I need her too hate me so she can move on. But she's not answering... I guess it worked too well.

I've called 23 times until someone finally answers

"Hello Angel are you okay? I just saw the news and I just need too make sure that you are okay!"

"Well if you wouldn't have been a fucking dickhead she could have told you about it herself and then you could have given her a hug and actually be there for her! But since you were obviously dropped to the ground as a child and got some serious head trauma you decided to be a fucking dick instead so you don't get the privilege of knowing how she's doing! Now if you excuse me Mr.delusional but I have more important things too do then to tell you how your mother probably threw you to the grou- Elijah let go of-" Natasha Said before Elijah takes over on the phone

"What she means to say is mind your own fucking business you have no place in her life anymore that means... you don't get to know how she is feeling. Not excuse us we have more important things too do! Stop calling or I'll send someone there to kill you-" and he hung up

Fuck I need to know how she's doing!
I guess I should have thought of that earlier!

Authors note:
Hello my darlings!
How are you:)
Vote and comment please!
Word count: 1056

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