Luca russo (Evangelia)

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I got a call from Chelsea, Ali and Parvin (my bio parents) had called once again. I told her to block the number and to tell the justice department to give me a call. I can't do this anymore what do they want from me? Do they want my money, or is this their attempt to marry me away to some random man so they get all my money. It wouldn't surprise me, they always talked about it when I was a child.

My appetite was lost and I just spent the whole lunch in my own head. I know it's rude and I have more manners than that, but I just can't understand.

"Hey you okay" Johnny asks where's Noah?

"Yeah I'm fine just crowded with work on my mind, where did Noah go?" I ask back

"He went to the bathroom, you sure your fine I won't tell anyone!" He say

"Yes I'm sure! But thank you." I give a small smile.

"You never smile, why is that?"

"I wouldn't want to get wrinkles now would I?" I say laughing, in reality I just don't feel like I have anything to smile about.

"Your joking right?" He answers

"Maybe, but that's for me to know and for you to wonder!" He just laughs.

I feel like I would be good friends with him, he's weird but. Who wants someone normal? Normal is boring! I would never ever do anything but be friends but he reminds me of Mark Sloane from Grey's. And Noah's Derek just not as toxic. Well not that I know of, but he seems pure, he's soul really seems pure! Wow that's very Persian of me to say, but I don't know it just seems so true in my eyes.

He comes back and I drive them back to the office, both boys nagging in my ear about me paying for the food.

"What are you both saying that a woman can't pay for your food because that makes you less manly? If that's the case the none of you are even the slightest manly at all!" And they both shut up and start to object with "no it's not like that" and "we didn't mean it like that" and I just answer with a "good that's what I thought!"

We arrive and they both go to their own cars and we bid our goodbyes and they drive of.

"Chelsea I need you to get me Luca Russo on the phone NOW!" She just nod and get it done.

"Black, wow I'm hearing for you twice in one week I must be lucky!" He says

"I don't have time for this right now Russo, I need you to make them stop!"

"Your not under our protection anymore Angie." He tells me

"I know that I can protect myself but we both know that I can't stop them from marrying me of! If that's what they are planning they will get everything! Do you understand what power that would be? Their Mafia would be the biggest and strongest in the world, you can't compete with that!"

"Let me see what I can do, I can't promise anything Angie. You might be like my sister but I'm not doing it for you!" He tells me with a sigh realizing what problems they can cause for him.

"I know that and I'm not asking you to do it for me! Im asking you to do it for everyone, for your empire, and your family! They are bad people Luca you know that"

"Yes I do, let me get back to you later today."

"Thank you, I'll se you soon!"

"Goodbye Angie see you soon"

And we hang up. He's not gonna kill them or anything, but he will make sure they change plans. Like I said I'm still involved with bad people and dangerous ones. But only because I know that if anything went wrong I could save my self and the people I care about!

"Thank you Chelsea!"

I walk back to the justice department and say
"I've figured it out I just need you to make sure that if anything happens let me know when you know!"


"No you know not to ask me questions about it, you don't want to know!"

"Right, just like old times." Before this I was a criminal yes and he helped me with the legal parts. Like I said I'm no Angel, definitely not!

All I ever wanted was freedom, but that's not in the cards for me. I wanted people's honesty and integrity. But in a world full of liars and fake facades that's not impossible. And I'm a person with honesty and integrity that's why people don't like me.

Well that's what I tell myself at least, it makes me happy to be disliked by people. People fear what they can't be, and I like the thought of being feared. It's not be ideal way to be remembered but who's gonna remember me anyways!

Nick texted me 'can you please hang out grace tomorrow I beg you!' That's nick's little sister. She's 16 so she's more like a friend to me, nick tells me she sees me as a big sister and I love that girl so of course!
'Sure tell her to be here at 10 AM!'
And then he just spam me with praising me and frankly I won't stop him!

But he only asks me to hang out with her when something's up otherwise she just text me herself. So I guess she'll join me at practice and then we'll go for a shopping spree! I love spoiling that girl, seeing her smile just makes me so happy!

We helped each other a lot, she doesn't really know the effect she's had on me. But she really saved me from becoming a totally different person, someone a lot worse than I am today. And I do everything in my power to make up for it, by being there for her, spoiling her, and spoiling her with love.

Authors note:
Ohhhh more shopping, her bank account must be hurting! Wait she's a billionaire who am I kidding...

Word count:1034

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