Chapter 49 Not Okay

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Karan's POV

Today was a nice day it seemed because the weather looked very pleasant so after having breakfast with Meera I just made some preparations for my next classes and then I spent my whole afternoon with my adorable son we had our lunch and then I played with him but I guess he wanted someone else and that was Meera.

Then my thoughts included Meera how in no time she had made a huge place in both of our lives and I really meant when I said she never has been just a nanny to me because maybe unknowingly I felt something for her I mean how could I not when I had felt what I had before.

And after some time Meera didn't come back so we thought to take a nap and we both slept in my room.

I woke up after an hour or two I guess and then I was going to the kitchen to make myself some tea but stopped looking at the main door it was opened meaning Meera is home because she had a spare key.

So I went to ask her if she wanted some too but before I could ask her I heard her sniffling I got shocked because it happened last time too so I asked her knocking on the door but didn't get any response.

I asked again banging the door but heard no response and all types of bad thoughts occurred in my mind because last time she did respond so having no choice I tried to break it after some tries I did and entered to see her on the floor unconscious so I quickly went to her.

"Meera what happened please open your eyes" I begged patting her cheeks but no response so I lifted her and laid her on her bed.
I saw a glass of water and picking it up I sprinkled the water on her face but she didn't wake up.
So I called a doctor who was the friend of the doctor who treated Yash he only introduced me to him.

The doctor came after some time so I told him what happened and he checked her. Then he checked her blood pressure and said "her blood pressure is low that's why she got unconscious it was because of stress and for now I'll give an injection but take care of her and don't let her take any stress." I nodded in response and he gave her an injection and told me about some foods to help her health. I asked him "when she would wake up" and he said "maybe in some time or more because of the effect of injection and tiredness."

I walked him out and then came back to her side and was just looking at her now I could see her face a bit paled and puffy eyes with the tear striken face.
I heard Yash crying so went to him and took his bottle too and fed him here in her room only as I wanted to be here if she wakes up and needs anything.

After half an hour or so Yash was back to sleep and Meera wasn't awake yet I was thinking what would have happened that led her to take such stress as she had just gone for jewellery shopping with Neha. Just when I was thinking I heard her phone ringing so picked it from purse and saw it was Neha's call and picked the call.

"Hey Meeru are you okay? What was the urgency by the way? You know I had tried this new restaurant and the food was amazing you should try it too." Said Neha before I could say anything.
So I thought to ask her if something happened.
"Umm... Neha it's me Karan did something happen with you guys?" I asked.
" nothing happened why is Meeru alright did something happen to her ? Please tell me I'll be there"  she said in one bit.
"No no calm down nothing happened to Meera she is resting I'll tell her to call you when she wakes up no worries" I replied to her as I didn't want her to be worried when I didn't know what exactly happened myself.
"Ok but tell her to call me surely...ok sir" she said.
"Yeah bye" saying I hung up.

I was still waiting for her to wake up it's been almost fifteen minutes after the call and then I thought to go and make something for her but stopped when I saw her opening her eyes.

"Meera are you okay now?" I asked.
"Sir..? You here ? What happened?" she asked getting up.
"No no wait" I went by her side and rested the pillow behind her so she could sit comfortably.
"Thanks" she said.
"But what happened?" She asked again.
"Calm down first have some water" I gave her the glass and she drank it.
"I had come to ask you if you wanted some tea but I heard you sniffle and when I asked and got no response I broke the door and saw you fainted so I called the doctor and he checked upon you" I said to her and I could see the realisation on her face and continued.
"And he said your blood pressure got low because of stress."
She looked elsewhere so I asked her "Meera did something happen or what ? You know you can tell me."
She didn't look at me and nodded her head in no.

"It's fine did you have something in the afternoon" I asked again.
But she responded in negative again.
"Ok I'll quickly make something for you and never skip your meals again okay" and went to make something healthy for her.

I knew she would take her time to tell me and she had just woke up so I didn't want to push her so I changed the topic as now my main priority was her health anything else could wait.

After sometime it was done so I took it to her room.
Seeing it she quickly made a face so I asked her "what happened you don't like soups?"
"No it tastes very bad" she said making a face.
"Oh come on you have to be healthy again so drink and I made sure it's tasty at least try a sip" saying I held the spoon of soup towards her after blowing it but she blushed looking at it.
"What happened?"
"Nothing" she said nodding her head in no and took a sip and said "hmm.. it's good" and had it.
I was relieved looking at her having it.

Word count:1100
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