Chapter 17

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Ariana's POV.

I gave him a look. I was confused. What does he wants to say?

"Because you were busy in seducing Alaric."

My eyes widen and an immense shame filled in my whole body. I looked everywhere to check if someone heard this. How could he even think like this!

"Dad stop it." Scarlett said and my eyes turned teary.

"Just shut up. Did not you saw his behaviour today...I've seen him! He never cares for anyone other than his family. And if he's so interested in her she might have done something to him." He said and i wiped my tears.

He's accusing me because someone took stand for me. Disgusting.

"That's why he never looked at you because he was more interested in her." He said to Scarlett and her reaction didn't changed. She remained unaffected.

"He never showed his interest in me because I never put efforts in our relationship." She said but he was so blind with anger. He was looking at me with so much hatred.

"Tell me what did you do...did you made him eat or drink something or did you slept with him?" He asked and i felt so humiliated. The way he said it made me feel disgusted of my own existence.

"Enough Rodrigo. Don't you dare." Mom said. She looked so offended.

"How can you ask her questions like this? She is your daughter!" She said defending me.

"Rodrigo stop it. There will be consequences if Alaric got to knew this." Grandma say fearfully and dad looked pissed. He closed his eyes.

"If you told any of this to him I'll make sure you cry your whole life." He warned with clenched teeth.

Mom asked me to relax and calm down but his words were ringing in my ears. How could he?

"Scarlett." My mom signalled her to take me upstairs.

She took me to my room,"I'll take your dinner here."

"I don't want to have dinner." I said crying hard.

Mom came with dinner plate. She kept it aside,"Just forget what he said. He was angry." She said but i can't forget. I won't be able to look at him in the eyes.

"Aana have your dinner." Mom said trying to feed me but i wasn't feeling hungry. My hunger died listening all those words.

"Okay fine. Don't eat anything just sleep okay." She covered me up but i couldn't forget his words. He thinks so low of me.

Half of the night his words were roaming in my head. My head was aching. I stood up and ate a pill for heachache. I washed my face and slept.

When I woke up my head started spinning. I wasn't able to open my eyes. I think I was having fever.

Scarlett checked my temperature and called mom.

"She's having fever." She said and i was feeling so cold.

"Aana..." She shoved the thermometer in my mouth.

"She is having mild fever." She said looking at the thermometer.

She called the doctor and she gave me some medicines.

I wasn't able to move my body. Everytime I eat something it taste bitter. There was some bitterness I was feeling on my tongue.

It's taste was so bad. I can't even eat my food properly.

My whole day was spend on my bed under the thick blanket. At night I was feeling better. Mom gave me some fruits and food and then medicines.

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