Chapter 57

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Ariana's POV

I froze in my place when I heard him say, "Hello Doe! Miss me?"

I gulped down.

He kept his chin on my shoulder,  "I missed you."

I was silent.



I can hear my heartbeat. He spun me around and I saw his face.

"Derek," I mumbled and he cupped my cheeks.

"Of course who else!" He hugged me and rubbed my back.

I heard him heaving audibly. I broke the hug and saw him looking at me with a smile, "Tell me that you missed me too!" He uttered rightfully and I couldn't say anything.

I did miss him but not the way he wanted.

I no longer belong to him. I never was.

He held my face with his both hands,  "This year without you was a torture." He hugged me again and his hands held my frame tightly against him.

I was too stunned to react to anything. Before I could break the hug I heard Alaric's voice.

"Aana!" He broke the hug and I looked at him.

Alaric looked hurt and disappointed. God knows what he's thinking right now.

He was looking at me when Derek's voice stung in our ears.

"Brother Ric." He hugged him lovingly and Alaric hugged him back.

His eyes stopped at the Bag he was holding on his shoulder. He's back!

"How are you? And what's happening here?" He asked looking at all the things decorated.

"Now I would like to call my Beloved son and daughter-in-law on the stage to announce their wedding." We heard Dad's voice on the mike. The crowd cheered and Alaric looked at me.

"Congratulations bro..." He shook hands with Alaric unaware of the fact of our marriage,  "You should go on stage." He uttered to Alaric holding my hand in his.

Alaric's eye zoomed on our hands and he looked at me with clenched teeth.

"My son Alaric Vincent and his wife..." Derek's reaction was fine until Dad took my name,  "Ariana Alaric Vincent."

Everyone hooted. The sound of clapping and cheering can be heard from the crowd. I saw Derek's face. He was unable to process anything.

Alaric held my hand and took me towards the stage.

Mom came forward and asked us to stand in the center of the stage,  "Where were you two? I told you not to go anywhere." Mom scolded us for being careless and two of us tied our mouths.

We didn't utter a word and let Dad announce our wedding.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming here on this lovely occasion."

He came forward and stood next to us.

"I, Samuel Thomas Vincent am pleased to announce the marriage of my son.

"Alaric Vincent and Ariana Collins.

On the 31st of July two thousand twenty-two.

Thank you for joining us on this Lovely occasion.


Once again the crowd cheered for us.

My stomach formed knots and nausea formed in my throat. I already was so nervous and Derek came.

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