Chapter 22

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Ariana's POV.

I didn't interuppted. I was busy talking with Belle when suddenly i shreiked hearing Derek's voice,"Sit properly." He yelled and i gulped down.

I looked at Belle and she looked shrugged her shoulders. I stood up,"what happened?" I asked. I felt so bad when he yelled at me.

"Can't you sit properly!" His voice was calm this time but tears pooled in my eyes. I stood up and marched outside.

"Aana..." He shouted but I was in no mood to listen to him. How dare he shout on me without any reason.

"Sorry sorry..." He apologized coming infront of me.

I dodged him and went towards the stairs.

"Mumma will kill me if she saw you crying Aana stop." He shouted from behind and i fastened my pace.

He held my arm firmly and turned me towards him,"I'm sorry. I won't shout on you again." He wiped my tears.

"Sorry...doe sorry." He apologized and I saw Sir coming. I wiped my tears.

He stopped infront of us and looked at me.

"What happened?" He asked and i looked at him.

"He yelled at me!" I complained like a kid and he glared at him,"Don't you dare make her cry..." He scolded him and he nodded.

Derek held my hand and took me to his room again.

"Why did you yelled on me?" I asked and he ignored.

"Tell me." I shouted near his ears and he looked at me like I'm some crazy person.

"Because you weren't sitting properly that jerk sitting beside me was looking at you weirdly" I understood what he wants to say but I made a confused face,"weirdly?" He gave me a glare and i glared him back.

"Then you should have yelled on him, not me." I pushed him away and was going towards my house.

"Aana..." It was Aunt Elena calling me.

"Come I want to show you something." She dragged me excitedly towards her house where uncle Robert lives.

I entered inside and saw how beautiful the house was from inside. I've came here for the first time.

I saw Sir sitting on the couch.

She called Belle to come over but she and Derek were already gone out for some business.

She hanged up,"I wanted to show all of you something but Belle and Derek are gone somewhere." She looked sad,"come on we should not waste much time." We came out and sat in her car.

"But where are we going?" Sir asked and she didn't replied and asked us to have patience.

After a while of driving she stopped the car and started walking towards the forest. We both started following her and she stopped infront of a large tree house.

A smile appeared on my face as i looked at her,"Is this yours?"

She nodded,"let's go inside." She opened the lock of the wooden gate and we entered inside. I was very excited. I've never seen a real tree house.

She opened the door and I saw it was huge from inside. I giggled in excitement seeing it.

"My brother Robert gifted me this on my eighteenth birthday." She told and i smiled. She's so lucky. Her brother gifted her a whole tree house. Amazing!

"I had this place renovated. This house was falling down." She was sad while saying this,"And who know who renovated it?" She looked at sir.

"Sir?" She nodded,"yess..."

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