Chapter 52

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Alaric's POV.

I entered my room and anger filled my whole body.

Someone was standing in my room and I don't appreciate anybody's presence here without my knowledge until she's my Aana.

"Who are hell are you?" I asked angrily.

She turned out to be someone I didn't precisely want to see. I cringed looking at her, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I came to see you!" She came closer and I stopped her, "But why?"

"I was missing you..." She was talking as if we were lovers or were lovers. I wanted to puke on that very statement she made moments ago.

My blood boiled when I saw her standing in front of me in my room. God! She dares to come inside without my knowledge and permission.

I should feed some sense in her. And manners too.

"I don't appreciate anybody's presence here until and unless she's my wife." I cleared shoving my hands in my pocket and asking her to leave but she was stubborn.

Fine, she'll learn the hard way.

"Only if I wouldn't have run away I would have been your wife today. not her!" She clenched her teeth while saying so and her words were fueling my anger.

I fisted my hand and tried to control the anger that was bubbling inside me, "Shut the hell up. I would never have married a bitch like you that's why I asked you to elope with your boyfriend." I snapped at her and she felt offended. I care less. She's such a leach. No doubt she's Rodrigo's daughter.

"Alaric!" She yelled.

"Get the fuck out now!" I warned glaring at her and she turned around and stopped. I saw Aana standing at the door frame.

She went out giving her a glare and Aana came in, "What happened to her?" She asked and gave me the mug of coffee.

She was maintaining distance. She might have got scared by my last night's behavior but I couldn't help.

"She's no big deal," I spoke silently and she didn't ask anything further.

She was going but I stopped her and hugged her from behind.

"How's your exams going?"

"Going well." She replied shortly.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked resting my chin on her shoulder and she was silent.

"He?" I heard her heaving.

"No. I'm not angry. I'm upset." I turned her towards me.

She was looking down. I held her chin and made her look at me, "I'm sorry for my behavior last night. I lost my cool." She nodded.

"I'm not doubting you. I'm just scared to lose you. You're too precious for me. I know you won't believe me but I've waited for you for years and when I have you I don't want to lose you." She looked at me and hugged me. I hugged her back. She feels so fucking good to hold.

"I'm upset 'cause so easily you asked me that I can go to Derek if I want. I want you to fight for me. Fight for us. I don't want to lose you either." She heaved audibly and I tightened my hold.

I break the hug and kiss her lips.

I helped her prepare for her exam. And between the process, we kissed and made out a lot.

I never get enough of her. She tastes so good. She feels so perfect to hold. I love to hear her heartbeat.

A week later her exams were finished.

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