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(Y/N)'s POV
5:35am 4, January
I ran down the stairs as fast as I could with out falling. As I expected, Light was waiting for me at the front door.

"You're so childish (Y/N)" Light chuckled.
"So are you!" I said getting defensive but chuckling slightly.
Light and I have been best friends since birth. Our parents were best friends all through school and when they grew up and got married they moved next to each other. We always walk to school together.

"Nu-uh" Light replied in a childish, mocking voice. I giggled. He sure can be stupid sometimes.

"Ya-hu" I shot back in the same tone of voice as him. Light and I are the brightest students of our school. He is a little more smart than me and it annoys me, that's why I've been trying my best in school for the past 7 years. We started walking to school still arguing until Light finally said:

"YEA? And where's your proof, huh?"

"This argument" I replied calmly then started laughing at Light's shocked expression. I could tell he was angry with losing because his expression changed to a childish-angry look after he thought for a moment realizing, I was in fact, correct. He looked like a little kid that didn't get what he wanted for his birthday.

"Hey (Y/N), race you to class!" LIGHT said and started running while I was busy laughing. I stopped laughing and started sprinting after him. Soon enough I caught up to him.

"No fair! You started too early!" I whined and he just chuckled so I started sprinting as fast as I could and I beat him by maybe a little less than a second.

"You were saying?" Light panted as we got to our seats.

"Nothing. Hehe" I said with an innocent smile and a giggle. The teacher walked in and started the lesson. I was copying notes when a paper flew onto my desk from Light's direction. I didn't look up from my notes, instead I ignored it. I want to see how far he would go to tell me what ever was on that note. He's pretty childish and hates to lose so he'll probably go pretty far. He threw a ball of paper at me then an eraser, but I still ignored it. I looked up and the last thing I saw was a book flying at my face. Then I felt the cold tile floor hit my back. It all went black.

Who are you really? (L X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora