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(Y/n)'s POV
I woke up with a pain in my head and something around me. This is kinda like when Light threw that book at me. I looked around to see Lights back in my face. He was hugging me.

"Light are you trying to kill me?" I chuckled hugging him back.

"I'm so glad you're ok." He said hugging me tighter. When he pulled back, I saw his eyes were red and a bit puffy and when he talked his voice was...croaky I guess you could say.

"Light, were you crying?" I asked, turning my head to the side confused. He blushed and looked away. "Light are you sick?"

"No I'm not sick. Yes I was crying." He said, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Why?" I pressed. He looked down.

"Because you got hurt because of me again." He said just barely above a whisper. I laughed.

"Don't worry about about it Lightbulb! I'm fine! Aw you're too cute sometimes!" I lightly pinched his cheeks as I giggled and he pouted. "Where's Ryuzaki?" I asked, looking around the room. Light's body stiffened slightly.

"He's in the library searching for professor Arlert's record." Light explained.

"Ah, of course." I replied, slightly nodding my head in understanding. "Well let's go see if he's found anything yet." I said getting up and heading to the door. I realized Light just stayed sitting on the bed, so I stopped walking. "Light? Come on. What r u waiting for?" I asked, walking back towards him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm coming. Just had to breathe for a moment." He got up and walked over to me.

"Oh, ok." I returned the smile and continued walking. We walked into the library and saw Ryuzaki at a computer and walked over to him.

"Did you find anything, Ryuzaki?" Light asked as we stood behind him and looked at the computer screen.

"Yes." He replied and scrolled down on the file on the screen. "But first, are you ok (y/n)?" He asked turning around and looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Yea. I'm fine!" I smiled and placed my hand on his shoulder. He smiled back. "Now tell us what you found." I suggested cheerfully. He turned back around and scrolled up a bit on the computer screen.

"Well it says here, he had been in prison a few years ago for animal abuse. He had also stolen a semi truck a while back." Ryuzaki explained. I gasped and looked at Light. He was glaring at the screen, like he knew something or already knew this information. I looked at Ryuzaki to find him glance at me and we shared a look of knowing. Once again, more evidence Light is Kira.

"What do you think Light?" I asked, leaning my elbow and forearm on the back of Ryuzaki's chair, with my hand supporting my chin and looking at him, waiting for a response.

"Yes Light. Do share your thoughts. They may be helpful." Ryuzaki explained. Light looked up and looked a little less evil if that makes sense. He wasn't glaring anymore.

"I can't believe professor Arlert did all those things. I also can't believe the school hired him with this on his record." Light shared.

"*scream*" CRASH THUD

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