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(Y/n)'s POV
The door opened and Light walked in with his hands filled with a tray of tea and snacks. His mother followed, carrying some bags of potato chips that couldn't fit on the tray. Ryuzaki and I sat up and walked over to Light.

"YAY FOOD!" I exclaimed and grabbed a pack of gushers off the tray.

"Here are some more potato chips." Mrs.Yagami said as she set them down on Lights desk.

"Thanks Mrs.Yagami!" I said thankfully and gratefully. "Light, your mother is so kind."

"Thank you (y/n)." She smiled at me. "You guys enjoy. Oh, and Ryuzaki, you're welcome back anytime!" She says as she walks out of Light's bedroom and closes the door behind her. Light smirks at Ryuzaki and myself.

"What?" I question.

"So are you guys dating or something?" He asks, causing me to blush and absentmindedly lean onto Ryuzaki's chest.

"Why would you ask such a question?" Ryuzaki asks sounding confused and a bit surprised. Light sits down in his desk chair.

"Well for starters, you guys were just cuddling on my bed. And you always hug." He explains.

"Light you know I hug my friends. Ryuzaki is my other best friend. Yeah I haven't known him for a while but we hang out a lot and have lots of things in common." I say, getting angry for some reason.

"Are you jealous of me Light?" Ryuzaki asks smiling and chuckling a bit. Now it was Light's turn to be surprised.

"W-what?" He asks, bewildered.

"You know." Ryuzaki responds. "Anyways, do you want to do our homework for the next few days?"

"But we didn't get it yet." I state, squinting at him suspiciously. He smirks and pulls up a paper that looks like he printed it.

"We do now." He says.

"What the fuck Ryuzaki." Light chuckles and sits down in his chair by his desk. "But sure. Let's do it. It's less we have to do later." He sighs and picks up a pencil. I flop face down on his bed and groan.

"Uugghhh. So much wwoorrrkkk. Ugh. Fine. I'll do it now." I say sounding as a child and getting my books and a pencil.

(Timeskip>>> after an hour of maths)
"Well I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Light says while stretching and cracking his back before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Ok Lightbulb. Don't fall in the toilet." I respond, not looking up from my paper. Once he leaves the room and closes the door, I get up and walk over to his desk. I turn to look at Ryuzaki, who's laying on the bed still but looking at me.

"You want to check now?" He asks.

"Yea. Why? Is something wrong with that?" I say.

"Yes. He could be back any moment." He responds sitting up. "Grab me a slice of cake." He says. He does have a point.

"True. Ok." I say and get him a slice of cake and snatched myself some pocky. I walk back over to him and sat down next to him as I handed him his cake.

"Do you know how to play the pocky game?" He asked after a bite of strawberry short cake.

"No. what's that?" I ask as Light walks in.

"Let's have a sleep over tonight and I'll teach you." He whispers into my ear.

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