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Light's POV
DAMN. How'd he get in? Did he pick the Lock? He must have. Or (y/n) could have unlocked it while I wasn't looking.. POW. I felt the cool wood floor catch my body as I fell from a strong force colliding with my face. It all went fuzzy. I got up with difficulty. I was stumbling around facing what looked like Ryuzaki. I attempted to throw a punch at him but missed because of my fuzzy vision and unbalancedness. He pushed me to the floor again and crouched down to my level.

"Don't ever touch MY (y/n) again." He said as I let my eyes close. I couldn't move anymore.

Ryuzaki's POV
I stood back up, breathing deeply to calm down. I was nearly knocked down by (y/n) flying at home and engulfing me in a tight hug. I gladly returned the hug.

"Are you ok?" I asked softy while rubbing circles on her back. She pulled away a bit and sniffled. Her face was lightly tear stained and I could tell she was sobbing softly. Yet she still managed to smile.

"Yeah. I'm great now that I'm with you." She smiled, wiping her tears, still in my embrace. I pulled her closer and nuzzled my head in her neck.

"Good." Was all I could say. Light hurt her and I couldn't protect her. As if she could read my thoughts, (y/n) replied.

"Hey. Ryuzaki, you did protect me. Don't think you didn't. You picked the lock and ran right in to help me. Thank you, Ryuzaki. Thank you, L." She smiled and kissed me gently before I could even respond. A tear slid down my cheek after hearing her words. I, of course, kissed her back and hugged her very tightly but gently as if, if I were to let go she would fall and break. Like she was a wine glass. So beautiful and elegant, but also fragile and smart-looking. I began to cry more. She hugged me back, soothing me with drawing random things on my back with her finger. "'s ok. Just let it out. Don't try to hold them in." She soothed. After a while I was finished crying.

"Thank you, (y/n)." I sniffled. She smiled and stepped away.

"Any time. I'm here for you Ryuzaki. We should move Light to his bed and go get some ice cream." She said walking over to Light. I followed her.

"I'll lift him by the ankles. You can get his wrists since it's easier to lift the wrists.

"Ok." She cheered and grabbed his wrists as I grabbed his ankles.

"We'll lift him On three. One" I explained.

"Two." She continued.

"Three!" We both said and hoisted him up onto his bed. He bounced slightly upon landing on his bed. (Y/n) giggled at it.

"Now we can go get ice cream!" I cheered sounding like a child.

"Yep!" (Y/n) replied, also sounding as if she were a six-year old. She grabbed my hand and ran down stairs and out the front door. I closed it behind me. We ran all the way to the bakery since they also have ice cream there. Just as we sat down with our ice cream, a man shot the glass door, causing it to shatter. He walked in and aimed the gun at the costumers. He had his face covered by a garbage bag and his clothes were torn and dirty. He probably came from the alley right outside.

"You are all my hostages now. I won't shoot anyone if y'all cooperate. Now-" his sentence was cut short just like his life. He got shot in the back of the head by another person covered from head to toe. As soon as the man fell dead, he walked away.

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