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(Y/n)'s POV
I put an ice pack on the bruise on my right fore arm. I wonder if that boy stole anything from Light's house. Light's probably eating right now, I'll ask him tomorrow. I took a bite of my cake and turned on the news. "The hostages said that the criminal just dropped to the floor, clutching his chest." A reporter standing in front of a daycare center said.
"That sounds like a heart attack to me." Said one of the reporters at the studio. A heart attack? Hm. Oh well. It's not my problem. I took another bite of cake and turned off the television by my bed.

Time skip to few days later
I woke up early today, so I actually got to eat breakfast. By breakfast I mean two cupcakes, one with extra frosting and the other with extra sprinkles. I walked out the front door to see Light already walking to school looking troubled. I could tell he was lost in his thoughts so I left the house, closed the door, and snuck up behind him. "BOO!" I yelled hoping he would jump in surprise but instead he punched my arm. "Ouchie." I said rubbing my arm. "If I didn't know you better, I would swear you are trying to kill me lightbulb." I chuckled.

"Sorry about that. Just lost in my thoughts." Light said rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"I could tell. Now we better get going. I want to find out who that kid is that broke into your house yesterday. Oh that reminds me, did you notice if there was anything missing when you got home last night?" I asked walking ahead to school.

"No. I didn't find any cameras either. I wonder why he did it though." Light said quietly. Something's off. He doesn't seem normal.

"Is there something wrong, Light?" I asked not looking back at him, but continued walking forward.

"No, of course not! Why would you say that?" Light said sounding more like himself but there was something odd about it. Like he was lying. Hmmm.

"Whatever you say, lampshade." I chuckled. I gasped.

"What?" Light asked confused.

"There he is!" I said excitedly, pointing to the dark haired boy from yesterday.

"Yea. He goes to this school (y/n). Of course we're going to see him here." Light said, chuckling at how childish I was being.

"Really I had no clue." I said sarcastically. "I mean we can follow him and find out what his name is!" I explained.

"Why would we have to follow him?" Light asked.

"Ok well, we follow him to his first class and listen for him when the teacher is doing attendance." I said.

"Oh. Ok..." Light said thinking. Something's wrong. I just know there is. I just can't put my finger on it. He's normally not stuck in his thoughts this much. I need to find out what's going on. But without Light knowing what I'm trying to do.

"Well let's go then, shall we?" I said pulling Light's wrist over to a bench the boy was standing by. "Now all we need to do is act normal." I whispered to Light while pulling a book out of my back pack.

"Right..." Light whispered back and trailed off. Damn it Light. What's going on. He wasn't like this yesterday when he was at my house. That means something happened from the time he left my house to now.

"So what'd you do last night?" I asked calmly.

"Hm? Oh, nothing much. Just...watched the news." Light replied sounding unsure of his answer.

"OH YEAH. I watched a small part of the news last night, too." I said giving him a sweet, half-moon eyed, smile.

"Oh. What part did you see?" Light asked sounding a bit worried and slightly scared but mostly normal.

"Just the part that a criminal that was holding a daycare hostage died of a heart attack. Strange, isn't it? It's not normal." I said trailing off at the last part.

"Well, no ones normal." Light sighed looking away. Come to think of it, Light hasn't looked me in the eye at all today. Normally he does that all the time. GOD DAMNIT, LIGHT YAGAMI! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! You're scaring me...

???'s POV
"Excuse me, but is this seat taken? I've been standing this whole time and my legs are getting awfully tired." I explained to the two sitting on the bench.

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